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Anyone else out there who cant stand Ruth Kelly?

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 5th May 2005, 22:39

Goddammit she irritates the f**k out of me.

Evry opportunity she gets she tries to spout out the same old rhetoric about Labour being great at the economy, education etc like a typical bloody politician.....

Sort yr hair out, slap on a bit of make up and wear some decent clothes woman >:(

No Humping Stormtroopers here.......

RE: Anyone else out there who cant stand Ruth Kelly?

alfie noakes (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 5th May 2005, 22:44

Careful, she`ll set The Baby Jezus on you :/

RE: Anyone else out there who cant stand Ruth Kelly?

richardbradley66 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 6th May 2005, 06:32

"I believe i can fly" was his worst and the rest were nearly as bad too. :/

RE: Anyone else out there who cant stand Ruth Kelly?

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th May 2005, 13:50

I can see the next poll:

Do you find Ruth Kelly:

a.Mildly Irritating
b.Completely annoying
c.A pain in the arse to watch
d.deserves a slap - the stupid munter

as you can tell i really do hate her... :/

No Humping Stormtroopers here.......

This item was edited on Friday, 6th May 2005, 14:52

RE: Anyone else out there who cant stand Ruth Kelly?

Biagio (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th May 2005, 18:22

She is almost as nauseating as Patricia Hewitt. So yes, I can`t stand her either........and your right about her hair, and whats with the deep voice-perhaps shes got summit stuck in her throat(her arse maybe).


RE: Anyone else out there who cant stand Ruth Kelly?

apt (Competent) posted this on Friday, 6th May 2005, 21:27

I had to have a little chuckle to myself last night during the election coverage when Paxman was interviewing 3 leading politicians. They were Shirley Williams, Anne Widdecombe and Ruth Kelly.

I think they all had sensible shoes on...

RE: Anyone else out there who cant stand Ruth Kelly?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 6th May 2005, 21:32

nah..I doubt that apt..surely there couldn`t be three women as `oppositely` attrective to go out with that lot? :p

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