Page 1 of Is it me or is it getting a bit messy round here???

General Forum

Is it me or is it getting a bit messy round here???

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th June 2001, 15:52

with more and more people each day arriving on here, it seems to me that its starting to get a bit messy with threads been posted on the wrong forums etc. im probably being a bit pedantic, but id hate our beloved dvd reviewer ending up like the dvd forums...

RE: Is it me or is it getting a bit messy round here???

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th June 2001, 16:01

To some extent I agree. A lot of the postings on the General Forum should really be posted on the relevant forums.

However, I tend not to go for overkill - certainly ones like asking for hacks have their home, and I`ll usually pick up on those.

Sadly, I`m not a full-time moderator, and neither are the other guys, so we pretty much leave you all to your own devices.

By the time I come to moderate, those threads that have usually been misposted have developed into five- or six-reply jobs, and it`s simply too late to do anything about it.

I think Stoney`s right though - the forum T & Cs do state "consider the subject matter of any new topic before you enter it, and try to post in the most appropriate forum. Posts which are clearly in the wrong forums will be deleted, rather than moved, due to the workload on moderators".

At present, us moderators have no way of moving an entire thread from one forum to another. Rather than being over-zealous, I tend to be a bit laissez-faire : regulars will usually point out the misposting, and I thank those that do. I`d rather not delete threads that appear here in error, particularly if they are interesting ones.

A little bit more responsibility when posting the initial message rests with us all, and the first person to respond to a thread.

Stoney is quite right - help us to help you : categorise your postings correctly, and then we can start talking about more general stuff on this forum, which is really what it`s intended for.

Thanks for pointing it out, mate

Moderator for DVD Reviewer

RE: Is it me or is it getting a bit messy round here???

DVDan (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th June 2001, 16:05

Stop moaning ; )

RE: Is it me or is it getting a bit messy round here???

Normann (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th June 2001, 18:23

We all have to start somewhere,

Getting it wrong and being bollocked by the rest is half the fun.

Normann :-) :-)

RE: Is it me or is it getting a bit messy round here???

UNBREAKABLE (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th June 2001, 20:30

Where is the cheapest place l can get...

RE: Is it me or is it getting a bit messy round here???

Grumpy Old Git (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th June 2001, 21:07

Anyone got a hack for my Morphy Richards Cool Wall Toaster so i can play Region 1 RCE `s.......


This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th June 2001, 21:14

RE: Is it me or is it getting a bit messy round here???

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Tuesday, 5th June 2001, 21:17

Sorry Elephant, but to get that kind of control, you need two things:

a) full (ish) time moderators; and
b) code which allows you to move threads to different forums.

Sadly, we have neither, and Clayts and I try to get as much done as possible - usually concentrating on people getting out of hand and being obscene or that kind of thing, which we consider higher priority.

I hope you`d agree that to that extent, we have got things under control, and by and large we don`t suffer from the kind of childish squabbles that have affected most of the other major DVD forums (the Forums, Debate etc)

However, misplaced postings are usually just inexperienced people, and I don`t want to come down too hard on them. Best just to ignore the misplaced posts, and over time we`ll weed them out.

Sorry about that, but I do have to spend some time on my job, my family, writing reviews etc ;-)

Cheers, and keep contributing !!

DVD Reviewer

RE: Is it me or is it getting a bit messy round here???

Ben_Franklin (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th June 2001, 23:08

Here here.

Hey, I`ve been coming on here for about a year now, and it seemed to be just a select few who came on here, and it has expanded to all sorts of people coming on here now. I can`t decide whether its a good thing or a bad thing, but I suppose if they`ve got something good to say then I don`t mind. It`s just like others have mentioned, you get the same old questions and it can become really booooring.

But this is definitely the best DVD forum around, and we should really welcome all these new people and try make this one of the biggest sites around!

Now that would be fun.


RE: Is it me or is it getting a bit messy round here???

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th June 2001, 08:49

clayts and dan i can appreciate the hard work you guys put into this site and that you have to moderate it in tandem with your every day lives. i think you moderators are doing a great job beacuse as you quite rightly said theres none of the ridiculous slanging matches which plagues other forums.

so yeah its really up to us just to have a `think` before posting our threads...

RE: Is it me or is it getting a bit messy round here???

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th June 2001, 12:03

"theres none of the ridiculous slanging matches which plagues other forums."

Oh yes there is.

"so yeah its really up to us"

Oh no it`s not.

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