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Customs help..

fame4love (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 8th March 2005, 21:30

How much do customs charge ??
For example if I bought something for $100 ?

RE: Customs help..

Saqib (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th March 2005, 22:04

when using forums, always assume other people are at least as smart as you. that means, if you have asked a question, chances are others have asked the same question.

that being so, try hitting the search button. it is actually magic. you`ll be amazed at what comes up. try it - surprise yourself.

RE: Customs help..

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th March 2005, 22:38

What are you buying?


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Customs help..

globalvillageidiot (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 9th March 2005, 00:10

Roughly, as a guideline add 18%. Then again, try using a supplier that doesn`t use that particular route!! ;)

RE: Customs help..

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 9th March 2005, 02:30

that being so, try hitting the search button. it is actually magic. you`ll be amazed at what comes up. try it - surprise yourself

You know, you`d think you got a penny every time someone used that thing.

As for customs, it really, REALLY depends what you`re buying.


Trips to the video store for a quiet night in can be fun. But remember;

* Pick something everyone will like.

* Don`t be afraid to ask for assistance

* DO NOT peer through Mr T`s WINDOW on the WAY home, and LAUGH at him watching BRING IT ON alone with his trousers UNDONE!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th March 2005, 02:32

RE: Customs help..

Saqib (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th March 2005, 06:01

nice to be able to use that old `cut and paste` function eh matt?

RE: Customs help..

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th March 2005, 13:33

This link to HM Customs might help.

RE: Customs help..

posty (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 9th March 2005, 16:23

Heads up
Royal Mail staff have taken over the screening of inward foreign mail and as they charge £4 on top of any Customs and Excise fee`s you have to pay, well you can see why they are moving more people to cover these duty`s

RE: Customs help..

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th March 2005, 16:47

..and if you have it shipped from the US by one of the big couriers (like Fedex, UPS etc), then they will handle the customs charge (i.e. ask you for the money) - and add their "processing fee" too - which may be a good bit more than the £4 the Royal Mail charge.
I had some customs charges to pay a good while back (2 years?) via Royal Mail, and I was chanrged the £4 admin fee then as well, I`m sure - so it`s not a new thing.

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