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Off to NY in a few hours!

Nina (Elite) posted this on Friday, 29th October 2004, 00:03

After spending a solid day of boozing and shopping ;) and spending the last half hour trying to sober up (they don`t allow drunk people on planes do they? :p ) I have got to get my boyfriend to go to his friend`s house down the road so I can suprise him :D I arranged it with his friend who is going to drive us to the airport that he`s going to call him and say its an emergency or something so he`ll go over there whilst I go round the back door and take it from there. :D

It was so difficult trying to pack his clothes without him noticing. He almost found the tickets/passports too when I asked him to get something out of my bag, I just remembered at the last second and lied and said it was a used sanitary towel LMAO! :D I have never seen his hand move so fast! :D

So exciting, can`t wait! He thinks I haven`t got him anything this year because I gave him a DVD and that was it!! LOL the look on his face!! Not even a card! Had to hold back from cracking up so much! :D

See you lot when I get back, have a great weekend :)

RE: Off to NY in a few hours!

buff2k (Elite) posted this on Friday, 29th October 2004, 00:08

Well, I think you`ve broken the record for the most amount off grinning smileys used in one post :o Although I probably would if I was off to New York :)

Have a great time (and try not to hammer the credit cards too much eh?)

A.C.C General BUFF2K

RE: Off to NY in a few hours!

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 29th October 2004, 00:08

Have a smashing time! :D


RE: Off to NY in a few hours!

duder (Elite) posted this on Friday, 29th October 2004, 00:13

Nice one - hope you sober up!

RE: Off to NY in a few hours!

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Friday, 29th October 2004, 07:36

If you read this at an internet cafe in NYC - you made it! how was the hangover???

RE: Off to NY in a few hours!

Aslan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 29th October 2004, 07:46

And jesting apart.... I sincerely hope you have a good time!! :)

RE: Off to NY in a few hours!

whoot (Elite) posted this on Friday, 29th October 2004, 09:41

Excellent! thats my fave place. Have a fantastic time!
It must be the season for it, I am off to San Fransisco tomorrow for work (like I`ll do any of that!)

RE: Off to NY in a few hours!

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Friday, 29th October 2004, 09:52

My idea wins. Yay.

Have fun.

All the best,

The 42%er.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: Off to NY in a few hours!

Flyer (Elite) posted this on Friday, 29th October 2004, 11:02

Try the sanitary towel jape on the passport people in the states!
They are renownd(sp?) for their cheeky sense of humour and I`m sure will merrily chortle at your frisky effort to brighten their day!

Hope you all have a great time.


edit for tyops

This item was edited on Friday, 29th October 2004, 13:28

RE: Off to NY in a few hours!

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 29th October 2004, 11:32

juat make sure you have a meal at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in Times square.....worth every penny .....


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