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Crank calls on mobile

Nina (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 17:46

This is a bit long but please bear with me. This has been going on for nearly a week now and it`s really beginning to freak me out now :(

It all started when some man must have dialled a wrong number and got through to my voicemail. He left me a message saying:

"Hi, I must have called the wrong number but my god you have a really sexy voice, just thought I should let you know that, ok thanks bye".

I thought nothing of it and deleted the message. The next day when I turned my phone on again I have another voicemail from this same guy saying:

"Hi Nina, I just wanted to hear that sexy voice again, take care babes, bye" :/ (My name is stated on v/mail).

Later that day whilst I was on my way to work (going through tube cuts off signal) when I got out of the station I had another voicemail, this time he said:

"Don`t you ever turn your phone on sexy? I really want to talk to you. I`ll call you back later today"

So I`m thinking WTF and I need to have my phone on when I`m at work because my clients might call me to re-arrange appointments etc and the office can contact me when I go out so turning it off is not an option. At lunchtime I was out and my mobz rang and I thought it was my OH because he normally calls me at lunchtime so I didn`t look at the screen before answering because I had my bluetooth hands free on with automatic answer and I just said:

"Hey sweetie what`s up" heard silence on the other end, so I said
"Hey *S* (OH`s name) can you not hear me?" and then he said
"Hey honey, it`s me" I said
"WTF is this?" and he says
"It`s me" and I said
"Is this the d!ckhead who keeps on leaving me messages" and he says
"Now that`s not a very nice way to talk to someone now is it, Nina?" so I said
"F-off and don`t call my phone again" and hung up.

As soon as I had hung up the phone rings again and he says:
"Look babes I didn`t mean to scare you but you sound really nice and I wanted to know if you would like to hook up sometime?" :/ (Me thinking WTF is this guy on???) so I said
"I thought I told you to f-off you f-ing ****" and hang up again.

I get back to the office now and a little while later mobz is ringing again. I checked the screen and the number was withheld but sometimes when a client calls me they have had `no number` displayed on the screen so I had to pick it up just in case. So anyway it was him again and this time he said:

"Who`s *S*?" Now obviously I don`t want to be swearing in front of my workmates so I had to quickly leg it outside and then I said
"Look I don`t know who you are but could you please stop calling my phone" he said
"Where do you live? I`m guessing from your accent you`re a London girl? You lot are well up for it. Some come on babes, don`t you wanna have a good time?" I am thinking what is wrong with this guy so I just hung up and went back to work.

To cut a long story short he has been calling me since last week Wednesday at different times of the day. I stopped answering the calls after realising that shouting/swearing was only getting him turned on. I think he has a northern accent, sounds like mix between Leicester/Manchester, very strange indeed. At night seems to be the time when he calls the most and my mailbox is always full the next day when I turn my phone on with messages which started out with "I have been listening to your voice all night, I just keep re-dialling to hear that voice" and then to "I know you Nina, I have known you for a long time" to "Who is this *S*? I`ll k!ll him, I love you, no-one can love you as much as I do" and then to him talking about different sexual stuff he would like to do to me/me to him, there was even one with what sounded like him w***ing off. :o and it`s really making me worried.

I have now turned off my voicemail and diverted all calls to a dead number. I have had to tell those that need to know to contact me on my second line. But when I go back to work I`m going to have to turn my other mobile back on again. I don`t want to change my number as it is a memorable number and I have had it for years. I called T-Mobile and they said I have to report it to the police before they will take any action. I`m going to go there tomorrow but I just wanted to know if there was anything I could do in the meantime?


RE: Crank calls on mobile

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 18:05

Leave your phone off. Make sure you leave all the message in the inbox and on your voicemail. Write down any numbers he doesn`t withhold. Make notes of the dates and times he calls (for tracing purposes).

Give all that to the reporting officer. Text the nutter to say it`s in the hands of the police.

After that - is it easy enough for you to let everyone who knows your current mobile number that you have a new one ? I`d simply go to whichever network provider you`re with, explain that you`re been receiving crank calls, and ask them to change your number for you - it might mean a new SIM, but what the hell ?

Should be able to sort it out by about Wednesday, and then get on with your life away from this freak.

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This item was edited on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 19:06

RE: Crank calls on mobile

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 18:28

Next time he rings, try acting as if youre talking to him, but "distracted", and if someone who can help is there, get them to say something in the background...kinda muffled as if "yeah, another 30 seconds nina" or sinilar.

Then make out you`re trying to keep him holding for that 30 seconds.
Chnaces are he`ll bottle it and think you`re having the call traced.
The problem with mobiles these days, is that not all PAYG handsets need to be registered, so if you buy a PAYG, you can call whoever or whenever you like and the number doesn`t neccessarily tell them anything, except a random location (eg: might show the call eminates from say (x) in Leciester, but doesn`t tell them who is using it!), whereas contract phones go straight to the bill paying account.

The other option, dependant on your OH or the cops etc., is say "yeah, ok, reconsidered, lets hook up" and get the others to drop along with you. Should see a serious change in his attitude when confronted by more than just a "sexy sounding woman" :D

Talkin of which though...Salespeople chat you have a sexy sounding voice.....wanna dump the OH? Lololol

Jimbo : oÞ
PS: Mebbes get him to meet ya just *after* the reviewer meet...whilst some of us will still be there...then we can ...erm..."educate" him on mobile phone etiquette ;)

RE: Crank calls on mobile

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 18:32

Indeed, explain the situation to your network provider and it shouldn`t be a problem to get this situation solved. Easiest way would be to change your number, a minor inconvenience considering the alternative...

I ate what?

My Collection

RE: Crank calls on mobile

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 18:37

Nina`s already stated she`s had the number for years and it`s easy to remember though :(

I`ve got a similar dilemma with my Taxi-ing. I know my O2 number off the top of my head, but my orange and my new O2 sim from my a800 are alien to me, but I really kinda dont want any tom dick or harry having me normal one!

Still think getting him to meet ya after we do the meet is the best option...we could take all the forum arguements into one and take turns using him to find out who was right! Lol

Jimbo : oÞ
PS: nowt wrong with the guy having chanced his arm after hearing ya, but to call back after numerous p*** offs is unnaceptable!!

RE: Crank calls on mobile

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 18:41

I think he has a northern accent

not me honest :o

BUT if you do track the f***er down & he`s in the north west, forward me the details.
and Deffo report it to the police, if it`s been going on for a week it will probably continue, don`t let him make you`re life a misery.

general nobody @ and now for all things X-BOX

RE: Crank calls on mobile

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 18:58

what is his number?

:p:p:p D-I-C-A-N-I-O :p:p:p

RE: Crank calls on mobile

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 19:26

Yeah, post his number here (was it always withheld?). I have a friend who had this problem, but I sorted it out for her :D

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RE: Crank calls on mobile

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 19:50

Text the nutter to say it`s in the hands of the police

I wouldnt even do that if i were you - dont give him any inclination that your remotely concerned about the stuff he`s doing.

As Dan said - log everything take it straight to the cops and before he knows it they`ll be banging his door down - take the pr*ck by surprise.

I hope this gets sorted for you, please free to post his number on here ;) if you like, and i hope it gets sorted for you.

Keep us posted and dont let it upset you :)


RE: Crank calls on mobile

Aslan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 20:09

sounds like mix between Leicester/Manchester, very strange indeed

I would definitely agree with that!! :D Got to look on the brighter side of things!

Nina you`re giving him too much time. This kinda thing happens all the time. You have to press that little button that says `end call`. don`t get into the slightest bit of conversation, he`ll soon get hacked off beleive me.

And what ever you do don`t watch the film `One Missed Call`!! :)

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