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Been made redundant - so pi**ed off.............

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 14:14

Turned up to what i thought was a sales meeting yesterday.

By lunchtime i`d lost my job along with 5 others. :(

Cant believe it after 4 loyal years to the company and only 2 weeks after i had a baby girl - im just thankful i havnt got a mortgage/ big debts etc......

still in shock tbh. :(

ps - does anyone know any good recruitment websites for Sales/ Account Management roles? Im using at the mo. thanks
"When my people were writing philosophy, your people were still swinging from trees..."

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 15:17

RE: Been made redundant - so pi**ed off.............

Oor Wullie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 14:28

Sorry to hear your bad news Neiliboy.

Sincerely hope you find something soon. Good Luck.


RE: Been made redundant - so pi**ed off.............

Mark Turner (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 14:32

I sympathise - it happened to me completely out of the blue earlier this year, after almost ten years with the firm. Not the kind of thing you expect to happen in a law firm. A sign of the times, I guess.

Best of luck finding something else - it took me five months (at least the pay off wasn`t too bad in my case, so I wasn`t too short of cash while looking) so don`t get too downhearted if it takes a while.

RE: Been made redundant - so pi**ed off.............

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 14:37

Cheers - the only grace is that i`ll get three months full pay then a payoff - which wont be alot tbh.

"When my people were writing philosophy, your people were still swinging from trees..."

RE: Been made redundant - so pi**ed off.............

Mix Man (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 14:41

Sorry to hear that. A real bummer.... :(

Something will turn up soon. It always does for those who want it badly enough. And look at the wonderful silver lining this dark cloud has - you will be able to spend some quality time with your new arrival in the meantime. :)

RE: Been made redundant - so pi**ed off.............

Sue Davies (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 14:45

Much sympathy- I know it hurts when it happens-as MixMan says see it as an opportunity-when it happened to me it made us decide that it was time to start a family.
Obviously you are a step ahead(!) but as you say without big debts you will be able to see the bigger picture.
Lots of good wishes


RE: Been made redundant - so pi**ed off.............

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 15:03

S*** mate, sorry to hear that :( You seen like a switched on guy so I think you will get something soon.

Good luck but in the mean time make the most of it now you have the excusse.

How did the good lady take it? Have you told her yet?

All the best,

The 42%er.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: Been made redundant - so pi**ed off.............

JulesBloke (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 15:05

I recently had the same situation mate. Me and others in my team had been getting good appraisals, hitting targets etc.. Called in to a meeting one moring and told we were going. The redundancy package was quite good - it`ll keep me going until Christmas without too much worry. Still doesn`t help with the shock etc..

Started looking for jobs. The Grocer is good, but I got most of mine off and

The result is that as soon as my notice period is up I am starting working for a major competitor in a similar role for more money! Plus I`ll have my nice redundancy cheque :D

There is light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, there seems to be a shortage of qualified people to fill many sales roles. It shouldn`t take you too long to get back in employment.

RE: Been made redundant - so pi**ed off.............

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 15:19

So sorry to hear that. It is an awful shock, it happened to me not so long ago after 16 years with the firm. A terrible shock.
Good luck for the future though.

RE: Been made redundant - so pi**ed off.............

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 15:39

Cheers for that guys.

I`ll check out monster and total jobs. I`ve alos been looking at michael page.

The missus was well upset yesterday but we`re both over it now.

I`m actually quite excited about the prospect of the same job with more money!

"When my people were writing philosophy, your people were still swinging from trees..."

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