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Would you ever have plastic surgery? Be honest!

Nina (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th September 2004, 23:17

After watching Cosmetic Surgery Live on channel 5 - anal bleaching anyone? :/ I`m sure this question has been asked before, but would you ever go under the knife purely for cosmetic reasons?

I`m not sure if this counts as cosmetic surgery but I wouldn`t mind having my teeth bleached/whitened, just purely for the reason someone I know had it done and it really does make your teeth pearly white again (it is a big difference). Also I would have electric light pulse therapy (similar to laser surgery but involves no invasive surgery procedure) just to get rid of a few scars/old mosquito bites/some stretch marks.

Apart from that, I am quite happy with myself. :) I did think about having a breast reduction at one point but hopefully with all this weight training I am about to embark on it will make them smaller. *Maybe* in the future after 3 or 4 kids I would consider a breast uplift as breastfeeding can make your boobs go really saggy and I don`t really like the idea of having to pick my boobs off the floor and throwing them over my shoulder every morning LOL :D

RE: Would you ever have plastic surgery? Be honest!

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 15th September 2004, 23:33

Yeah, you can`t breast-feed after a breast-reduction/lift. My friend was going to get it done (reduction), but she`s *really* fair-skinned and the consultant showed her photos of scarring and it would have been too ugly on her, so she`s going to hang on for a bit at least until she has kids.
I wouldn`t have implants, I saw a woman on Sally Jessy who had been poisoned by hers and it was horrible.

I would get my nose fixed, I have a nose that looks cute on a six-year-old, but less so on a grown-up! But it`s no big deal really.

That light-pulse thingy sounds good.

I wouldn`t mess with my teeth as they`re OK I think (no fillings), I would be concerned about damaging them: I definitely wouldn`t get veneers or anything, that is going too far.


RE: Would you ever have plastic surgery? Be honest!

Nina (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th September 2004, 23:45

I saw a woman on Sally Jessy who had been poisoned by hers and it was horrible.

I saw that episode!! :o :o

On the cosmetic surgery live show they showed a woman whose implants went wrong. It looked very scary indeed.

I didn`t know you couldn`t breastfeed after a reduction, I wonder why?

I wouldn`t get my teeth capped either, I have no fillings either. Now that I have thought about it, I would get one tooth filled in/retouched as when I was younger I chipped it very slightly when I jumped off the roof of our house yelling `Go go gadget legs!!` :D

RE: Would you ever have plastic surgery? Be honest!

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th September 2004, 23:48

`Go go gadget legs!!`

I will go to bed happy thinking of that, note to self take cold shower beforehand.... :D

No I wouldnt consider plastic surgery despite having a nose that Concord would reject as being too big.

RE: Would you ever have plastic surgery? Be honest!

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 15th September 2004, 23:52

I didn`t know you couldn`t breastfeed after a reduction, I wonder why?

They take away too much tissue and also do the lift by cutting around the nipple to move it upwards. OUCH

I jumped off the roof of our house yelling `Go go gadget legs!!` :D

You lived in a Bungalow, right?! :-o

Edited to add:

Very good site about celebrities` bad surgery. Probably not work-safe, but not disgusting or anything


This item was edited on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 00:53

RE: Would you ever have plastic surgery? Be honest!

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th September 2004, 23:56

excuse me but WTF is anal bleaching?


Did I ever tell you my favorite color was blue?

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RE: Would you ever have plastic surgery? Be honest!

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 00:11

What it sounds like: Using a cream bleach on your bumhole. :-o

It`s got to be a porn-star thing, but will catch on just like boob-jobs.


This item was edited on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 01:42

RE: Would you ever have plastic surgery? Be honest!

close to the edge (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 01:02

NO :o

RE: Would you ever have plastic surgery? Be honest!

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 07:20

Anyone watch last nights episode?

A girl had her nose done which involved her nose being broken and you heard the snap of the bone which was truly gruesome :o

Some of the operations shown amount to pure 19th century surgical butchery!!!

Anal bleaching you gotta love it. Only the septic tanks could have thought of that one

RE: Would you ever have plastic surgery? Be honest!

Nina (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 08:50

You lived in a Bungalow, right?!

No I didn`t! :o It was actually the ledge just below the roof and lucky for me I landed on the grass but in my madness I managed to make some kind of makeshift parachute from the bed sheets (Gadget`s helicopter of course! :D ) and I think that also cushioned the blow.

A girl had her nose done which involved her nose being broken and you heard the snap of the bone which was truly gruesome

I cringed when I heard that crack when he broke her nose in his hand and was re-moulding it. What really made me feel ill was when they do that filing stuff, Ouch! What was up with that 13 year old who wanted all over lipo? It was so obvious that her mum has a weight problem and has obviously been feeding her kid crap too. Have these people never heard of diet and exercise? I mean honestly! 13 years old! >:( That poor girl needed a psychologist and some intense counselling sessions and her mum needed a good bitchslap round the face.

Oh yes, anal bleaching is when they bleach the area around the hole which might have been darkened by hormones or hair etc. One woman was a dancer and kept raving about how she feels so much cleaner knowing that it is clean!! :p Who on earth spends much time down there anyway? I mean do you go around intensely inspecting your partner`s arsehole?

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