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Best chocolate?

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th September 2004, 23:03

As chocolate seems to be mentioned on every other thread at the moment, why not let it have a whole thread to itself :D

My current favourite chocolate (apart from the obvious "All of Them") is Green & Black`s Organic chocolate - "A Darker Shade of Milk", it`s the perfect balance between the sweetness of milk and the bitterness of dark.

Is it too sad to go to my 24 hour Tesco just for a bar of chocolate?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 15th September 2004, 00:17

RE: Best chocolate ever

Nina (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th September 2004, 23:21

Is it too sad to go to my 24 hour Tesco just for a bar of chocolate?

Never! :D I once went out at 2am to a 24 hour ASDA to get some choc, when that craving hits there was no amount of trying to pretend that the banana I was eating really was a wonderful piece of dairy milk goodness :)

I love Green & Black`s too, the mint choc is to die for, but then again so is the milk caramel one. ;) I love anything by Cadburys seriously I`m not fussy! :D Dairy milk.... *major drool*

I hadn`t touched chocolate in over 5 months before xfilesgurly`s thread yesterday and now I have gone into obsession mode. :/ I hate TOTM >:(

RE: Best chocolate ever

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th September 2004, 23:25

Green & Black`s
I am sure they sell that in the health food shop across the road from my shop. ENTERING GAY MODE I will have to get some now.

All the best,

The 42%er.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: Best chocolate ever

Nina (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th September 2004, 23:29

You are in for a treat 42% if you haven`t tried it before :D

Even OH who doesn`t care for choc much waxed off the entire bar I left in the fridge!

RE: Best chocolate ever

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th September 2004, 23:30

Boots, Tesco, Somerfield, they sell Green & Black`s all over the place (and Tesco is only five minutes away MUST RESIST)

RE: Best chocolate ever

Nina (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th September 2004, 23:33

So do Sainsburys, ASDA, Waitrose :p

Beth - you know you want it :D Resistance is futile LOL!

RE: Best chocolate ever

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 14th September 2004, 23:41

I love those gold bars you get in duty free, inside of which is delicious chocolate stuff in little mini gold wrapped blocks.

Damn, want one now. :)


"There has to be a balance between telling the truth and reassurance"
Home Secretary David Blunkett

RE: Best chocolate ever

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th September 2004, 23:43

I bet your nearest airport is more than five minutes away :D

RE: Best chocolate ever

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th September 2004, 00:24

5 words - "The ambassador is spoiling us!"

My fave ;)

"When my people were writing philosophy, your people were still swinging from trees..."

RE: Best chocolate ever

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 15th September 2004, 00:42

Green and Blacks... *dribbles all over keyboard*.

Yeah, sorry Nina, I had been good too - I blame my mum (who had also been good until she saw the cereal!)!

Has anyone ever had a Kinder Joy egg at Easter... *wow* a Kinder egg as big as yer head! (Well almost)



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