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At the risk of starting an argument !!!!!!!!

dkuk2000 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th May 2004, 19:38

Before i start i just want to say that i believe in the big bang theory.
My other half is a strong believer in God etc,etc BUT unlike me will not accept the fact that others have their own opinion.
All i said was that jesus was a fake as he was just the David Blaine of his time and has been the subject of chinese whispers ever since,making him this almighty being.
With this she flew off the handle saying that he was real as the bible accounts for this.
Feeling brave i replied
"And the bible is a crock of s*** too it never existed,it was all made up by people wanting a meaning to life".
Is there any physical proof of an original bible (written at the time) or am i right ?.
No offence is intended by this thread
Just a bit of friendly conflict ;)

Define irony: a bunch of idiots dancing around on a plane to a song made famous by a band that died in a plane crash.

RE: At the risk of starting an argument !!!!!!!!

Paull (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th May 2004, 19:52

Keep talking to the other half like that & the Big Bang theory may become fact.

RE: At the risk of starting an argument !!!!!!!!

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 13th May 2004, 20:15

or indeed, no banging at all.

No there was no written bible at the time. Scribes didn`t go around writing everything down thinking "This`ll sell like hot cakes in a few thousand year`s time". It was about 300 A.D. when the bible as we know it started to be written. I`m a realist, that`s 300 years of, as the man says, chinese whispers.

Someone started a thread about conspiracy thoeries and how the accumulation of very dodgy `facts` come together to make a very thin story. The bible talks about how we were all supposed to have come about without presenting any solid evidence to back it`s story up. We`re supposed to take these stories as truth, just because we`ll go to an eternal hell and damnation if we don`t.

BUT, that said, i would never take the opposite tack that nearly every religious person does. That is, i would never try to convert a believer to Atheism. I think the fact that 95% of the population have a belief is a wonderful thing. I think it`s great that so many people believe there is a purpose to life, and there`s something to be gained at the end. I`m not going to say they`re all crazy, deluded fools, because quite frankly, there`s too many of them.

But if you wanna see how a really stupid faith came about, watch the South Park episode `All about the Mormons`. It`s bloody hilarious, and after doing a bit of research, I found out it`s totally true. You want to see deluded, check out those guys, and pity them....

I ate what?

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RE: At the risk of starting an argument !!!!!!!!

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th May 2004, 20:17

PHEW, its a brave man who questions her in doors :o


RE: At the risk of starting an argument !!!!!!!!

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 13th May 2004, 20:36

Reading the Bible with an open mind (after being raised religious) proved to me that if there is a God, He`s a control-freak nutjob and I want nothing to do with any of it.

Has your wife *read* the Bible? Some HORRIFIC things occur in the Old Testament - all committed by God or the good guys.
The Israelites literally rampaged through the countryside going out of their way to pick fights, defeating armies then slaughtering the women and children (making sure to kidnap the virgins). All of this is in the Bible and *praised* by God.
If your wife was an Israelite man, she would happily do what God says and take part in all that...

Moses began writing the Bible while he and the Israelites were in the wilderness (if true). It`s then a collection of books by many different writers.
It was copied out over and over - then the church "standarised it", and had a monopoly on Christian faith until (brave) men like Martin Luther finally got disgruntled enough to disagree publicly.

The apostle Paul founded the Christian church - yet he never met Jesus. All he had to link him to Jesus was a "vision" years and years after Jesus died. Paul was also a Roman citizen, free to travel and do what he wanted (he even said he was different things to different people), yet Jesus` followers were Jews and were under tight control by Rome. The religion of the followers depended on adherence to Jewish law - Paul`s Christianity was sold to people far and wide due to him being able to travel, and was far more acceptable than the strict Jewish law - "of course you don`t have to have your son circumcised" - and therefore spread.

I think it`s quite odd there isn`t a Gospel of Mary.

The Bible isn`t as moral and good as the Golden Rule.

/me ducks and covers

Edited to add: This is a handy resource for quickly finding what the "Good Book" really says, and also for finding and cross-referencing things much faster than in a paper Bible.

Also I think that faith in God and something beyond this life is as much about seeing badness punished as goodness rewarded. There`s an attitude among the faithful particularly in more fundamentalist groups of "God`ll show `em come Judgement Day!"

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This item was edited on Thursday, 13th May 2004, 21:53

RE: At the risk of starting an argument !!!!!!!!

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 13th May 2004, 20:44

I think the fact that 95% of the population have a belief

is the figure really that high :o


general nobody @

RE: At the risk of starting an argument !!!!!!!!

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th May 2004, 20:45

The `Big Bang` theory is based on the best available evidence. If compelling new information comes to light that offers a better explanation, the majority of the scientific community will gladly accept it. Christianity, on the other hand, takes a dodgily-translated text as the absolute, irrefutable truth and almost forces its followers to stick their fingers in their ears and go "LA-LA-LA!" when any more plausible explanation is raised.

Which one sounds the most rational?

This item was edited on Thursday, 13th May 2004, 21:47

RE: At the risk of starting an argument !!!!!!!!

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 13th May 2004, 20:58

Noam Chomsky has called the bible Quote:
"The most violent book ever written"
you only have to look at the Passion Of The Christ for an example of what it translates into.
I`m an atheist and believe in the big bang and evolution - Jesus existed but was no messiah (just a naughty boy ;) )

"You know you`ve got the brain of a four-year old child, and I bet he was glad to get rid of it".

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RE: At the risk of starting an argument !!!!!!!!

SittingPretty (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th May 2004, 21:04

When I was 10, I used to go to Sunday school. My dad being non religious, asked me to ask the elders, `If god created man, who created god`. I didn`t get an answer.
I used to believe in something, I was baptised at 15.
But then my dad had a heart attack and one of the elders told me I couldn`t cry for him, it was wrong. So I left. :(
I occasionally say now, that if someone wrote a load of stuff made up, about aliens, or whatever... and hid it, buried it, or whatever, and that was found in 2000 years time, would they believe it like we believed the bible stuff. Hmmm.
Who REALLY believed a virgin birth could be real. It`s never happened since.

RE: At the risk of starting an argument !!!!!!!!

gooner118 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 13th May 2004, 21:21

I don`t believe in any religion myself but I do think that it is good that people have faith as it is something which comforts them and gives them security. The only thing I disagree with is when a person`s faith has beliefs such as blowing yourself up makes you a martyr.

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