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Help Needed on my setup!!!!!!!!!

Craig Wolstenholme (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 23rd February 2001, 18:52

i have just recently purchased a LG3200e dvd player great i thought .i did the region code hack great it worked i then started to watch my first imported dvd "the matrix" knowing of the problems some people have with this disc i watched nervously as the disc started but it played but i did notice that the screen kept on going lighter and then darker my wife did not notice this but i did and it was very off putting but i put it down to it being this specific disc and also thought this may be as a consequence of not buying a more expensive player , i then went and imported a copy of "what lies beneath" and the same thing is happening also the sound tends to jump around from speaker to speaker again i put this down to it being an imported disc until i put in ali gs disc which was not imported again the same thing happens light then dark please help me i am thinking that my player may be faulty my setup is i have a 32"inch toshiba pro logic tv with a sky digibox and video setup my dvd is connectted to my tv through the 3 phono plugs provided and is on avchannel 3 which is the best setup for this system helpme please.

RE: Help Needed on my setup!!!!!!!!!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd February 2001, 21:38

Suggest you go for an all SCART action combi, and get rid of the three phono approach from DVD. Best set up is :

SCART from Sky Digibox VCR out to VCR (usually AV1)
SCART from Sky Digibox TV out to TV SCART 2

Note, you DON`T need to run a SCART from VCR to TV for this set up ! (When you press PLAY on your video, it will override the SKY picture. If you press RECORD it will not)

Check your TV manual - ensure you have a TV with a SCART socket that can enable an incoming RGB signal from your DVD (I suggested TV SCART 1 above)
Similarly, ensure you tell your DVD to send an RGB signal to your telly, via the SCART.

Don`t worry about an RGB picture from your digibox - run it as a composite signal : DVD will make best use of the RGB enabled socket, believe you me.

Any problems with the above set up, post here and I`lll endeavour to assist you on Sunday

RE: Help Needed on my setup!!!!!!!!!

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 23rd February 2001, 23:20

>"again the same thing happens light then dark please help me i am thinking that my player may be faulty my setup is i have a 32"inch toshiba pro logic tv with a sky digibox and video setup my dvd is connectted to my tv through the 3 phono plugs provided and is on avchannel 3 which is the best setup for this system helpme please."

Sounds to me like your Toshiba is picking up the "Macrovision" signal from the player, which, for Tosh, is extremely unusual!!

However, try this:

SCART (good one) from DVD player to AV1 on TV
SCART (good one) from VCR (AV1) to AV2 on TV
SCART (good one) from Digibox to AV2 on VCR

If the video has a "monitor" switch on the remote, you`ll still be able to watch Sky when recording terrestrial TV on it.
If not, then thats the downside to this setup, no Sky when recording anything different.

Check the instructions for the TV. You will either have RGB enablement on AV1 or AV2 (I think it`s usually AV1 on Tosh, but if not, then swap the connections on the TV above for DVD to go into TV AV2) and try then.

If that still causes the problem, try the player on someone elses TV. It definitely sounds like you`re describing Macrovision, so check that your VCR isn`t connected between the DVD and the TV (I assume it isn`t because you say the 3 phono on AV3)

Hope this helps a little, but if not, email me with the exact tV model and I`ll try to check with Toshiba for ya.

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!

RE: Help Needed on my setup!!!!!!!!!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd February 2001, 23:30

That`s interesting Jimbo - you go for the VCR as the `control` out of the three, I go for the digibox. I tried the set up you suggest but found it too frustrating, because every time I wanted to watch Sky, I had to forcibly change the AV signal.

I found that if you loop everything thru the digibox you won`t have to worry about recording terrestrial and watching Sky - the Sky will override the VCR and thus no matter what, you`ll get a Sky picture.

With your excursion on the version, the VCR dominates when it is recording.

Whaddya reckon ?

This item was edited on Friday, 23rd February 2001, 23:33

RE: Help Needed on my setup!!!!!!!!!

petetiley (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 11:26

This may sound obvious but have you set the DVD player to accept an NTSC ( american dics format ) signal ?

There is a switch on the back, select auto and this may help.

Also, have you ensured that the TV set can accept NTSC ? On my old Mitsubishi set, I had to select the NTSC option from the picture menu.

Of course, If you have tried these things then I apologise.


RE: Help Needed on my setup!!!!!!!!!

testbloke (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 1st March 2001, 13:26

Have you also tried setting the dvd-tv scart connectuion to svhs instead of rgb, personally I prefer it this way as on my system I noticed the effect you mentioned and also some colour bleed.
Rememner if possible to connect DVD directly to tv and not loop through vhs, sky, etc.
You can buy a scart splitter box if you are limited for connections

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