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Rik Booth banned??

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 07:39

:o :o :o

So is it the standard 7 days? ;-)


RE: Rik Booth banned??

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 08:14

damn.. i missed this... shame..

RE: Rik Booth banned??

Biagio (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 08:15

I hope not....perhaps he`s just having a lie in(bloody students eh). Don`t think he deserves to be banned and if it sounds like I`m sticking up for him then I suppose I am. That thread just descended into a farce - the less said the better(scratch, what scratch?). I agree that calling someone a t****r and telling them to F**k off is unacceptable(I`m trying to hold back my belly laughs at this point) and he should be reprimanded but banned!!! - I don`t associate Rik with being a nasty piece of work if you know what I mean.

RE: Rik Booth banned??

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 08:15

When did this happen then? Out of order if you ask me


RE: Rik Booth banned??

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 08:17

Don`t know when but look at his account - it`s disabled.
Forum only available for voyeuristic activities.


RE: Rik Booth banned??

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 08:28

I mean fair enough, some of his comments on the Scratched TV thread were a bit iffy but that thread should have been closed long before it got that far. Theres 6 pages to it and only 1-2 are actually on topic. Were the mods really asleep all day or sitting at there computers reading it and p*ssing themsleves laughing. A little bit of light humour in bad situation is always needed if you ask me, but oh no, Rik was hammered about it and spoke to like a child by Dan. Hey, if it was me i`d have been pretty p***ed off myself. The thread got way out of hand but surely banning Rik was completely unnecessary.


RE: Rik Booth banned??

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 08:56

Yeah it got out of hand.

Maybe Dan thought Rik was serious when he said "Ban me"? ;-)


RE: Rik Booth banned??

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 09:14

For once, i`ll stuick up fro (p)Rik... Dan`s attiutde was totally out of order.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 10:00

RE: Rik Booth banned??

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 10:24

Haggis - I couldn`t disagree more with you - how come I was out of order ?

Sure, Rik is welcome to offer a pithy quip the first response - I have no problem with that, that`s his mistake (in his immature mind) to make. However I was asking for serious advice, and also felt completely cut up in having to deal with it with my daughter. Surely saying "but I`m not exactly in the mood for humour right this second" was obvious enough ?

When our favourite secret-agent-turned-Stephen-Spielbergo-International-Film-Megastar Ri[c]k just wouldn`t let go and made TWO more un-needed, unhelpful and characteristically insensitive and smartarsed posted, I called him a jerk - a more reserved response than about 99.9% of the rest of the Forum population would have responded with I suspect.

I didn`t moderate that thread, because I was too busy at work yesterday, and also because I thought it was a conflict of interests for me to do so. Clayts decided things had gotten out of hand eventually (which they had), and suspended Rik on his own decision.

Enemyonpc - I wouldn`t mind you pointing out where I spoke to Ri[c]k like a child ? I think you may be reading more into the words (knowing Ri[c]k) than were actually there ?!

DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 10:26

RE: Rik Booth banned??

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 10:34

In fact, I`d rather do this myself, having reviewed the now-closed thread I feel pretty aggrieved that people should question things:

The thread:


"My *DARLING* daughter has decided to take some metallic item to the screen of my 32" Panny... There are nice wavy scratches right through the coating layer...

Of course I appreciate that there`s nothing really to be done to fix the layer, but does anyone have any advice for reducing the impact of the scratches ?!?! PLEASE ?!?!"


"With your legal experience Dan, I would say you have a strong case against her for criminal damage etc.

Use the lawsuit against her to pay for a new TV. Hope this helps."


"Hmmmm... Very helpful Rik, but I`m not exactly in the mood for humour right this second.

I`m not sure if a mild polishing solution of T-Cut would make things better or worse ?!? I might try on an old broken TV my parents have in their garage..."


"Humour Dan? I`m being serious! "


"Actually, insurance hadn`t crossed my mind since I spoke to my Mum later today and she mentioned it. Rest assured my policy will be out later tonight !

To top it all off, I`ve had to figure out how to discipline a 2.5 year old who only vaguely understands that what she did was wrong - I feel gutted

Westy - does polishing not damage the coating any futher ? Also, how did the re-coating job look afterwards ? I`m not sure the whole Halfords thing will work, as I don`t think there are deep scratches in the glass itself, it`s more the fine scratch accompanied with the torn coating...

Turns out after a long chat this evening that she used the end of a pipecleaner On the issue of the alignment, I`m afraid they`re vertical, and horizontal........and diagonal... "


"Simple solution: lock her in her room until she is old enough to visit here and read this thread."


"Rik, sometimes you can be an insensitive jerk.

When I say I`m gutted, I`m referring to the whole discipline thing. I`m not THAT bothered about the set, and to be honest, I`m more interested in making it look that I`m bothered so that she understands that she`s made a BIG mistake, rather than just a little one.

It`s the hardest thing - I love her to bits, she`s never really been bad or disobediant, and I`m not going to come down on her for this because she doesn`t really appreciate what`s happened. There was certainly no malice involved, which would be so much worse. She basically seems to think that she couldn`t do any real damage, and that whatever is wrong that I can fix it !!

We had a serious talk about it last night, and I told her I was disappointed because she had banged things on the TV and been told to stop before, and therefore she knew to be more careful. Her punishment is knowing that she`s disappointed me, and made me sad, and she isn`t to watch the television today because she `broke` it (tough because she`s a real CBeebies fan). That sounds reasonable I think ?"


"Ah, I see. I was making some light humour, you tosser, as Haggis mentioned above. If you`ve got a problem with that, and want to feel all controlling and powerful, then ban me. I`d love to see you in a courtroom - or are you the type of lawyer who shys away from any action? "Excuse me Your Honour, but the defendant is being an insensitive jerk!"

Some people do have tough times in their lives, and do not expect grief after making a light-hearted remark about a situation that, by your own admission, is not that bad.

And for those who don`t even know me (Labman...), let`s try not to comment on me.

(Oops, looks like by calling you a tosser I must be an insensitive jerk."


"Thanks for emphasising my point. "


"Hmm...56 posts here - yep, you know a lot about this place."


"And made a whopping 56 contributions! "


"I believe that is Clayts` expression, and the name`s Rik"




"Careful Bryan, Dan might put his lawyer hat on and sue you for some defamation of his spotless character."


"Oh, my aching sides!"


"Labman...f*** off."


"Like I said in my post to Dan Bates - if he wants the sexy feeling of power, then ban me.

This may have been about a TV, but even the thread starter has gone off-topic, talking about how he failed as a parent. "



Aren`t multiple posts against forum rules? "

DVD Reviewer


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