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New to DVD

the_godfather (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 2nd February 2001, 13:10

Just wanna say thanks to DVD Reviewer. I`ve just "burst" onto the dvd scene and a site like this has proved invaluable. Lots of good info and links to stuff I would never have known about.

Big pat on the back to all who contribute and those who run the site. And no, I don`t work for them!!!

RE: New to DVD

Simon Bovey. (Competent) posted this on Friday, 2nd February 2001, 13:30

I think that goes for most of us who read this site - help them by telling other newbies and getting them to click on the sponsors.

(no I don`t work for them either but we`re loosing - I just want to help my 2nd favourite website stay alive !)

RE: New to DVD

Wibble (Competent) posted this on Monday, 5th February 2001, 18:51

Most people start sensible but soon become entrapped by the childish side of this site....

Be very affraid......

It`s not safe in here...

I have found plenty of usefull stuff on here, is very good too...

RE: New to DVD

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Monday, 5th February 2001, 21:44


When I first got my player I knew diddley squat about DVD. After coming to this site I have gained tonnes of silly knowledge about DVD and am now the resident expert in my area. I also gained a new obsession.


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