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Why was "Family" not on ITV tonight ?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 00:58

Or should that be "Fammmmmmmmbly" (said in a gorblimee cockernee guvsquire accent) ?

Tivo kindly informs me next Monday`s show has also been axed, and the next episode is to be shown on Weds 5th November at 11.30 pm ?!?

Too violent, not pulling the punters, what ?

(I notice Sweet Medicine has had the same treatment, being moved from 9pm Thursday to 11.30 Thursday)

DVD Reviewer

Webmaster of Area 450 - independent Sampo DVD site

RE: Why was

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 04:24

According to the Sun, it was getting much lower viewing figures than expected, so they are shifting it to the aforementioned late spot.

It`s a pity as I will probably miss it now it`s on so late and I was starting to get into it.

I blame that horrific faux Italian/Godfather music that they always played

This item was edited on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 04:24

RE: Why was

Gavski (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 11:15

Yes, from an official source, it has been, er...axed really.
well moved to a very late spot as it didnt get very many viewers....
the replacement was "Holiday Airport" that wasn`t finished editing until yseterday afternoon...they were that desperate to get somethign for viewing figures they moved forward this new series!!

...same as Sweet Medicine....been shifted to an 11.30pm type slot.

me thinks ITV need to sort out their programmes!

RE: Why was

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 12:18

I suppose thats what happens when ratings are the only thing - the first few episodes don`t get a great many viewers, it`s shunted into a graveyard slot, and gets less viewers.

This space for sale

. <--- Except this bit, its mine.

RE: Why was

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 13:21

The thing is, if you ever watch the Biography Channel when it is talking about a famous sitcom or whathaveyou (Happy Days is one that springs to mind), they often say that the first series had very few viewers but by the end of the second series or whenever, it had moved up to number 1 in the TV ratings.

Is it now purely a case of "if it doesn`t pull in the revenue within the first three episodes, we get rid of it"?

Could it not be that after years of having shoite like You`ve Been Framed, and endless detective dramas forced into our little brains we just find it hard to adjust to new styles?

Family may not have been great (some may have even said it was quite poor), but at least it was an attempt at something new (if you ignore The Sopranos :) ) in the 9 o`clock slot.


RE: Why was

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 16:43

My Mrs works for Carlton and the buzz is that the top brass now realise that it was a badly concieved idea, poorly executed and with a sub standard cast. It failed to appeal to its target demographic, largely due to the fact that it was a bit to violent and cockernee to get the middle aged mums who like that nice kemp man.

As always, they realise AFTER they have ploughed tons of money into it...........

At least they shifted it, for the two fans, rather than cancelling it altogether. Imagine if Futurama was just shunted rather than cancelled.

RE: Why was

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 17:54

Well, I liked it, although I agree the Godfather-esque music was a bit shoddy.

Plots are strong, Jamie Foreman and Martin Kemp are good characters and that bird what was in The Governor is good as the sister. The father`s a bit unbelievable, but there you go.

It`s odd when you note that BBC1`s 9pm slot has, for the last two weeks, been two history biographies about gladiators and the Pompeii earthquake, and last night Prunella "Basil" Scales banging on about Queen Vic - surely their viewing figures can`t have been that great either ?

Grateful that they didn`t axe it all together - thank goodness for the Season Pass on Tivo :)

Incidentally, classic BBC show Between the Lines is being reshown on UK Drama at present on Thursday nights - nearly p***ed myself when I saw Siobhan Redmond on a mobile the size of a small bungalow :D

DVD Reviewer

Webmaster of Area 450 - independent Sampo DVD site

RE: Why was

goodfella66 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 17:56

Hopefully ITV might finally realise that casting (talentless) ex-soap stars is the kiss of death for their dramas. They seem absolutely, bloody obsessed with it.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 17:58

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