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Digital tv ............can it be chiped !!

coops89 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 00:02

Can digital tv be chipped , I`ve heard people say that it can but no proof has met me yet !

Anyone had it done, or seen it ?


RE: Digital tv ............can it be chiped !!

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 00:31

Sky and Cable boxes remain property of the companies I think (well I know Telewest ones do), so they wouldn`t like somebody fiddling about with it, would they?!

And (not certain), free-to-air ones can`t access Sky1 etc anyway.

I think some people get hacked viewing cards, but you know what that would make you....

RE: Digital tv ............can it be chiped !!

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 09:43

telewest keep ownership of there boxes, but you own the sky box.


general nobody @

RE: Digital tv ............can it be chiped !!

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 10:54

Yeh, but if Sky found you`d hacked their box, they`d probably hack you too.

J Mark Oates

I have an open mind - everything goes in one ear and out the other.

RE: Digital tv ............can it be chiped !!

draigcoch (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 11:10

When I was in University we bought a chipped card for our ITV digital box which gave every channel free. Thing is the code embedded on the card is useless when the encryption is changed, which is very often so we only got a few days use of the card.

As for SKY digital, I doubt you`d be able to do it, especially since you need it jacked into the telephone. I wouldn`t like to risk using a card that may be detected by SKY through the phone connection, although having said that, it would probably be unlawful of them through some technicality to prosecute you in that instance.

RE: Digital tv ............can it be chiped !!

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 11:41

I never kept my Skybox connected to the phone (except when wife wanted to download a game).

I havent followed the Satelite hacking news groups much in recent years due to working away, not having a Skybox in my digs & limited time available at weekends.

My understanding is that unlike the old Videocrypt decoders on the analogue service, the card is dedicated to the box & wont work in another box anywhere else, so no taking your card to a friends house to watch the footy. For any pirate card or indeed your own card to work in another unit the receiver would have to be reset or be in a "virgin" state.

There may well be older & wiser heads out there to confirm or deny these points.

"Great chunks of my past detaching themselves like melting icebergs"

RE: Digital tv ............can it be chiped !!

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 11:57

A friend of mine has a sky viewing card that he paid £40 and it gets im every channel - box office, prem plus, porno, everything for free, with no monthy fee.

Highly illegal though, and once a moderator gets his eyes on this thread, it will be closed!

RE: Digital tv ............can it be chiped !!

coops89 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 20:22


have you seen it with your own eyes ?The channels that is ! :)


RE: Digital tv ............can it be chiped !!

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 20:29

I have seen all of them, they have access to them all.

They have to unplug the phone line when they purchase and then plug it back in or something like that, a quick search on google provides a way of getting Sky Box Office movies and premiership plus games for free, by connecting the phoneline to a battery.

RE: Digital tv ............can it be chiped !!

duanelightley (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 21:26

the battery trick dies when you reach the credit limit on your card then to get more you have to clear the card and pay sky wat u owe not worth the effort

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