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Pikey scum strike again!

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd September 2003, 08:29

A knock at he door at 8.40 this morning heralded yet another copper teling me that my car had been done over. This time the scum smashed the driver`s side window to steal a totally useless stereo (the front panel was in the house, and it can`t be used without it).

So that`s me having to take the day off of work to go and see the CSIs to get it checked over. Of course they`re only open from 2-3pm, so I can`t get the window replaced before then because they might contaminate the `crime scene`. I have just spent the last half an hour on my knees in the car park sweeping up glass, and I`m cut to hell!

I`ve had the car three months, and a week after i got it someone took the lock out to get in. They took nothing from the car, as there was nothing in there, but it cost me £100 to get the lock fixed... On a positive note, I found what looked like blood on one piece of glass. I`m really hoping it is, and that whoever it belongs to has been arrested before (DNA samples are taken).

To paraphrase Vincent Vega, it`d almost be worth them doing it if I could catch them at it.

RE: Pikey scum strike again!

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd September 2003, 09:27


Chin up mate. Try to take some satisfaction in the knowlage that the litle scroats have no future.

All the best,

The 42%er.

RE: Pikey scum strike again!

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd September 2003, 10:14

Certainly not if I get hold of them. It`s just soul destroying when it happens this often. In the last year or so, between my girlfriend and I, it`s happened at least five times. Not long before that the house was broken into.

Thing is I lived here for three years with no problems at all, but lately it seems to have gone stupid. Copper said that there`s a gang of kids doing it, who are just nicking for the sake of it. Most of what they steal is of no use to them, and they`re not even wearing gloves. This time I`m actually going to bother with the CSI, even if it`s a slim hope, simply because I`m sick to the back teeth of this kind of thing.

Oh, while I remember, did you manage to sort yourself out with a decent system in the end? Hope the advice was of some use :)

RE: Pikey scum strike again!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd September 2003, 10:59

It`s at least a positive thing to hear that they would even bother to take a DNA sample, you read so many stories of the police not even bothering coming round in the papers, let alone actually do anything.


RE: Pikey scum strike again!

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd September 2003, 11:11

Not yet. All avalible money is about to be poured in to christmas stock. God I hate christmas. When I do get it sorted I will come to you as your advice was muchos topo nocho.

All the best,

The 42%er.

RE: Pikey scum strike again!

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd September 2003, 11:16

It`s at least a positive thing to hear that they would even bother to take a DNA sample, you read so many stories of the police not even bothering coming round in the papers, let alone actually do anything.

To be fair I do actually have to take it to them, hence the day off of work :( Ah well, can`t have everything. All I can hope is that Gill Grissom has transferred to my local nick ;)

RE: Pikey scum strike again!

ebony.branch (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd September 2003, 11:21

Chris, have you thought about leaving something tempting on view in your car and lurking in the shadows with a baseball bat/video camera/bunch of mates (depending on your temperament)? It`s an idea I toyed with for a while when my old car was broken into last year and the (useless) stereo stolen. Still half wish I`d taken a week off work to pursue the plan, although I do realise it`s irresponsible, probably not the best solution and by no means watertight.

RE: Pikey scum strike again!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd September 2003, 11:25

You just KNOW that nothing will happen for days and the moment you turn your back it`ll be gone. :)

An empty laptop bag would be a good suggestion I`d have thought, and a video camera with a very good zoom on a tripod connected to a ELP video deck would cover a fair few hours.


RE: Pikey scum strike again!

Paull (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd September 2003, 11:50

"An empty laptop bag would be a good suggestion" yes put a big bomb in it that detonates when it is 50 yards away from the car......Naughty but nice :D

RE: Pikey scum strike again!

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd September 2003, 12:21

This will never stop until they start dishing out tougher sentances for the scum, My Brother in Law came to see me on Sunday and showed me two large scratches on is car, some scum had gone down the street where He lives and done nearly every car with a Knife or screwdriver.

Sad thing was He blamed Himself for not putting it in the garage that night!!

Oscar Wallace.

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