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Travel Insurance - Any Recommendations?

WRabbit (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th July 2003, 10:29

Just booked our flights to San Francisco - woohoo! 8)

Now we need travel insurance. Anyone got any thoughts on who to go with, or avoid like the plague?

Egg look quite cheap (got an Egg card so get a 10% discount), Elephant wasn`t much dearer.

We`re going for 14 days, so need cover for that amount of time, or would possibly consider annual insurance depending on the price.


RE: Travel Insurance - Any Recommendations?

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th July 2003, 10:47

Try the Post Office, decent price and good cover. Always check what you are and are not covered for and what excess there is etcetera.


RE: Travel Insurance - Any Recommendations?

PDK (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 29th July 2003, 11:17

Always used

Normally the cheapest by a few quid. Been using them for about 5 or 6 years. Not sure what they are like for the US though (most places charge more) used them for Europe and Far East.

RE: Travel Insurance - Any Recommendations?

clarets (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 29th July 2003, 13:09

I went to San fran is Feb and used these . It was the cheapest I could find.


RE: Travel Insurance - Any Recommendations?

Gavski (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th July 2003, 13:11

This year I am off to Sri Lanka and The Maldives for my Honeymoon.
So searched for a week or so at loads fo different travel insurers.
In the end by far the best was Churchill Insurance
I think it was £64 for both us.
At Sainsburys/Tescos type ones were £80
and others ranged from £90-150

Post office by the way would charge us £110 - so pretty steep.

RE: Travel Insurance - Any Recommendations?

philbw (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 29th July 2003, 13:57

I have annual multi-trip cover from Argos - their travel insurance prices start at £10.99

RE: Travel Insurance - Any Recommendations?

Shaun P (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 29th July 2003, 15:21

Try - they won a Which? Magazine Best Buy award a couple of months ago (they check the level of cover etc. and took that into account with the price). We got insurance for a 10-day trip to Spain for £11.77 each.

Gosure are also supposed to be pretty good.


RE: Travel Insurance - Any Recommendations?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th July 2003, 18:25


A trip to the states comes out at 55 quid for 2 people.. THE cheapest anywhere... and i`ve been using them for about 3 years now

RE: Travel Insurance - Any Recommendations?

kywy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th July 2003, 19:30

There`s already plenty of suggestions offered for your consideration ( We`ve found the Post Office good for shorter haul cover ) .

So enjoy your holiday, I`m sure you`ve worked damn hard for it, ( and everyone resident in the great Cumbernauld Metropolis needs to see how badly the rest of the world compares to our magnicent town centre facilities ) 8)

Cheers P.

P.S. Do you know that in Cumbernauld Town centre we now have our very own Rangers F.C retail outlet ? ( no need to worry about the reaction of the other half of the old firm`s supporter`s )
Beat that, shopping malls of America !! :/

This item was edited on Wednesday, 30th July 2003, 09:25

RE: Travel Insurance - Any Recommendations?

WRabbit (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th July 2003, 11:14

Thanks for the suggestions, I`ll have a look into them all.

kywy - don`t know how`ll I`ll cope without the magnificent Phase 5 experience - and the thought of Phase 6 just makes my knees go weak. Nothing a bomb couldn`t improve.

Anyway I thought swear words were automatically starred out on these forums? How did R****** manage to slip through the net. :p

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