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How about a forum dedicated to Scan ?

H-Man (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 22:44

At the risk of upsetting the Scan community (particulary the satisfied customers) and with the advent of the additional forums can I suggest that a new forum is set up specifically concentrating on Scan.

At one point yesterday 7 out of the first 10 hardware postings related to Scan. At present 25% of the first page relate to Scan. I could appreciate it if Scan didn`t have a publisised `history` on these forums but they do - Try a search on Scan and see the results - This is what put me off Scan and quite frankly I am glad. All the problems cannot have been unforseen by those that visited this site before buying (and lets face it Scan are not a high street name so buying a Scan must mean people have done research on sites likes this).

I think it is excellent that Scan users have the opportunity to sort their problems out via these forums but please make it separate - This will then allow the rest of us to find information easier and quicker without postings going off the page within a matter of hours.

No prizes for guessing my machine by the way..........

RE: How about a forum dedicated to Scan ?

roy 1 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 18th January 2001, 18:34

here,here, and i think WASP would agree, eh wasp,nudge nudge,wink,w*nk

RE: How about a forum dedicated to Scan ?

wasp (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th January 2001, 19:48

No comment. LOL

RE: How about a forum dedicated to Scan ?

shadowze (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th January 2001, 21:58

I agree , there should be a seperate scan section

RE: How about a forum dedicated to Scan ?

duder (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th January 2001, 08:11

I also agree, then all you whingers might stay in the one place!!!!!


RE: How about a forum dedicated to Scan ?

Le Borne (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th January 2001, 08:48

Too right!

RE: How about a forum dedicated to Scan ?

wasp (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th January 2001, 10:37

Oh well I agree then, we could call it the bolton boomerang land fill site!

Opps! sorry honest I am, but its hard.

This item was edited on Friday, 19th January 2001, 10:40

RE: How about a forum dedicated to Scan ?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 20th January 2001, 19:49

Nelley - try - stick one on your site mate (eg a surgery where peeps can leave their messages/queries).

It`s free, and will save us all from whinging Scan owners !!!

This item was edited on Saturday, 20th January 2001, 19:50

RE: How about a forum dedicated to Scan ?

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st January 2001, 07:59

The problem scan owners have is when the firmware is chnaged it fixes one thing and f*cks up another.............happens with a lot of Video cards.

SOme Radeon owners in the states are on the verge of filing a lawsuit!

RE: How about a forum dedicated to Scan ?

Gary W (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 21st January 2001, 21:07

Absolutely. What a good sound idea. A dedicated Scan forum. A Scan site would be even better.

There is a big following in the US for the Apex range of MP3/DVD players with many dedicated Apex sites and it is surprising this has not happened in the UK.

A site where full and detailed instructions on how to load firware together with approved firware downloads would be a good idea.

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