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Charlie`s Angels 2: Full Throttle...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 3rd July 2003, 18:49

Ok, so I went to see this today. I enjoyed the first one on a purely popcorn-action-fluff-fun way. Now, believe it or not, Full Throttle is a worse film than the first, and when I say "film" I mean cohesive plot.

But I wasn`t going to see this film for the story, I went to see the action and the girls, mainly Cameron Diaz. Although there were a few surprises, including a great Bruce Willis cameo, also John Cleese and Matt Le Blanc had funny scenes together, although what they were doing has been done so many times before (you`ll know what I mean *if* you see it ;-) ). Crispin Glover was even more insane as the Thin Man, but he was still funny as hell in his short part. But he`ll always be George McFly ;-)

Can`t say much more. The film is literally complete s***, but the action and Cameron Diaz hold it together. But if you didn`t like the first, you`ll hate this.

Also, Carrie Fisher plays a nun, AGAIN!!!
Christ, at least no little punk stoner tries to go down on her in this film (only a 12A)

And also, some of the editing in the fights is poor in places, but this might be due to the BBFC cutting out all those headbutts....Bastards!

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Charlie`s Angels 2: Full Throttle...

TonyPRyan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 4th July 2003, 21:02

in short I like the first, but like the 2nd less

I posted a longer though at where many others feel the same...

RE: Charlie`s Angels 2: Full Throttle...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 4th July 2003, 21:39

Yeah, Full Throttle doesn`t even feel like a proper film. Demi Moore as the bad chick doesn`t even seem to be a part of the film until the end.

Anyone else going to see it?
(I take from the lack of response that you`re all either away to watch it or you couldn`t give a f*ck. My guess is with the latter ;-) )

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Charlie`s Angels 2: Full Throttle...

Mike Mclaughlin (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 5th July 2003, 02:58

"cohesive plot" are you s***ting me? Did the first film have anything resembling a plot? What did you expect except santised pseudo-porn that all those ridiculous post-feminists can call empowering?

Regardless, it`s done crap business so we probably won`t see a second sequel. Now will McG please go away and crawl into whatever Gap ad producing marketing firm he crawled out of.


This item was edited on Saturday, 5th July 2003, 04:00

RE: Charlie`s Angels 2: Full Throttle...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 5th July 2003, 10:27

Well, I was just saying that this film is even more disjointed than the first, but sorry you took it so personal ;-)

And it has not done crap. It had a slightly smaller opening than the first film, but has held fairly steady business and has currently grossed more than the first.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Charlie`s Angels 2: Full Throttle...

kamin (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 5th July 2003, 14:33

Loved the film!!

Cameron Diaz in a skimpy white bikini - mmm..... ;)

RE: Charlie`s Angels 2: Full Throttle...

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 5th July 2003, 15:04

I don`t think I could sit through it to be honest. Sorry!

Disapointed with Cleese, he seems happy to appear in any old s*** these days.


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This item was edited on Saturday, 5th July 2003, 16:06

RE: Charlie`s Angels 2: Full Throttle...

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 5th July 2003, 15:42

Cleese has never done anything good after Meaning of Life.

Bring `em on, I`d prefer a straight fight

RE: Charlie`s Angels 2: Full Throttle...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 5th July 2003, 17:51

Meaning Of Life was sh*t, and A Fish Called Wanda was quite funny IMO ;-)

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Charlie`s Angels 2: Full Throttle...

Jason Bagnall (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 5th July 2003, 19:13

In the entire history of film, has any female ever looked as hot as Demi Moore does in this movie?

Yeah, Demi Moore in Striptease.

Diaz. BLAH. Barrymore. BLAH. Lu. BLAH.


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