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Wimbledon fans - i cant stand them!!!!!

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th June 2003, 21:30

i love tennis to bits, but sometimes i find it very difficult to watch due to the nobs in attendance. the rusedski match today is a case in point. some t**t shouts `out` from the crowd, he leaves and he loses the point and the game. also why do people insist on shouting before every point? if i here "come on tim" once bloody more ill scream!!!
i think we should bring in the security we have at old trafford - if you so much as stand for more than 30 seconds at a match you get stripped of your season ticket and banned for life ;)

RE: Wimbledon fans - i cant stand them!!!!!

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th June 2003, 21:33

Do they stop you singing for more than 30 seconds too? ;)

"Life is like oral sex, one slip of the tongue and you`re in the s***"
- Roy Chubby Brown

RE: Wimbledon fans - i cant stand them!!!!!

duanelightley (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 25th June 2003, 22:09

they should let them stand at old trafford after all its a long drive from surrey and their legs must get sore

RE: Wimbledon fans - i cant stand them!!!!!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 25th June 2003, 23:00

American golf fans are far worse.

"GO IN THE HOLE!" after the first shot on a par 5 for example.


RE: Wimbledon fans - i cant stand them!!!!!

cartoonjonah (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 25th June 2003, 23:02

that `come on tim` is really annoying

you know it`s about 300-400 women on `Henman Hill` preparing the chant in unison, but it sounds as weak as a Henman celebration. For christs sake, judging how we know he isn;t going to win you`d think he`d really go for it while he has the chance

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