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Greg Rusedski the freeloader.....

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th June 2003, 19:51

this guy is a discrace to our sporting history! this `canadian freeloader` couldnt get sponsership the other side of the atlantic, so britain being so desparate for a decent representative gets mugged for whatever money he needs just so we can clutch onto a high profile tennis player. its about time we take the money we throw at this idiot and put it into producing real british tennis players...

RE: Greg Rusedski the freeloader.....

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th June 2003, 20:00

Well, I like Rusedski. I think he is better to watch than Henman. Plus, he isn`t English ;-)

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Greg Rusedski the freeloader.....

Biagio (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th June 2003, 20:07

I think its a bit out of order calling Greg Ruzedski a disgrace....I mean its not his fault he`s Canadian. It`s just like the female "English" player who`s Ukranian - can`t remember her name but think it ends in "ka" or "ha".
Does anyone remember the Zola Budd that was a complete balls up(no pun intended).

RE: Greg Rusedski the freeloader.....

Asad (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 24th June 2003, 20:46

Programme about Zola and interview with her on Radio 4 this very moment. I think she regretted becoming British to compete in the Olympics. As for Greg as long as Britain doesnt have a genuine tennis champ we will clutch at what we can.

RE: Greg Rusedski the freeloader.....

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th June 2003, 21:06

i kmow its not his fault hes canadian and that were a bunch of mugs, but isnt it a great shame that we have to pin our hopes on a foreigner?

RE: Greg Rusedski the freeloader.....

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th June 2003, 21:29

You bloody Nazi!! How xenophobic!!! I bet you eat small children and rape grannies too you racist bastard etc etc.....

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This item was edited on Tuesday, 24th June 2003, 22:31

RE: Greg Rusedski the freeloader.....

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 24th June 2003, 22:56

Well his father was born in Germany, his mother was born in Yorkshire, he was born in Montreal and he is married an English drama student. I think it`s nice he chose to honour his mother`s ancestry, (she left England at the age of 4) and play for Britain.

The bottom line is, tennis is such an individualist sport, people tend to support whoever they like regardless of nationality. Sharing their nationality (however thin that might be!) just sometimes makes it much easier to support them.

The US Open always seems to be half empty, and the audiences are very apathetic to foriegn players during the tournament. Wimbledon has a great history of applauding great tennis, regardless of who is playing and where they are from. What better way to continue that tradition than supporting a Canadian. :)


RE: Greg Rusedski the freeloader.....

BallisticJack (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 25th June 2003, 07:17

It`s funny how people`s nationalities come into question when their not at the top of their game! However, if they become real contenders then those same rants pail into oblivion. Lennox Lewis anyone....?

RE: Greg Rusedski the freeloader.....

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th June 2003, 07:41

...and lets not forget those other great British sportsmen and women like Padraig Harrington, Roy Keane, Sonia O`Sullivan and Ken Doherty etc, that the Brits have decided to make honorary citizens (whenever it suits them)... although I guess when you`re stuck with the likes of the charisma-free Tim Henman anyone else will suffice. Best of luck this year Tim, hopefully if you do win then at least your fellow countrymen might stop talking about the 1966 World Cup... ;-)

RE: Greg Rusedski the freeloader.....

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th June 2003, 08:49

Ever notice how Rusedski is claimed as "British" by the media but the American Astronaut Michael Fowle (sp?) was "British born"? Shouldn`t that make Rusedski "Canadian born" (or wherever)?

Absolute B*stard

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