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Tw@t that robbed Tony Martin now gonna sue him........

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th June 2003, 13:38

What is the world coming to??

Who is the bigger wt[at]t - the pikey burglar or the judge that said he could now sue him???



RE: Tw@t that robbed Tony Martin now gonna sue him........

clarets (Competent) posted this on Friday, 13th June 2003, 13:51

This is a fecking joke. What has this country come to. We might as well leave signs outside our homes for the sacks of s*** saying "Come in take what you like" I`am gobsmacked.

RE: Tw@t that robbed Tony Martin now gonna sue him........

Paris (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th June 2003, 14:01

Pity Tony didn`t shoot both of them dead.. Then let the ba8tards sue!! I support TONY.

RE: Tw@t that robbed Tony Martin now gonna sue him........

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th June 2003, 14:05

Hey...didn`t you know that the perpetrators of such crimes have human rights too!!!

RE: Tw@t that robbed Tony Martin now gonna sue him........

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th June 2003, 14:16

No, your wrong. They don`t. Human rights only take effect when public opinion backs them, or when they aren`t breaking the law.

So, for example if I walked across a farmer field (tresspassing, hey I`m breaking the law) and he shot me, well that would be my own fault.

And if I saw someone driving dangerously I am quite within my rights to beat him within an inch of his life and cripple him, well because he was breaking the law.

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RE: Tw@t that robbed Tony Martin now gonna sue him........

RJS (undefined) posted this on Friday, 13th June 2003, 14:19

Surely to support Tony Martin is to support the death penalty for robbery? :)

After all, he did shoot the burglar in the back.

I can think of a few situations where supporting the actions of Mr Martin would make the country a much less safer place. Who is going to check on their neighbour`s house when the alarm goes off (or when they hear breaking glass) if they think that there is even a chance of the owner getting out his gun and shooting you?

Just a thought. :)


RE: Tw@t that robbed Tony Martin now gonna sue him........

Gavski (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th June 2003, 14:23

Its a freakin joke.
He doesn`t deserve anything.
I freakin hate these pikey freakin scum - get a fookin job, get a life.
If you want to break in to someones house and take the things they have worked so hard for all their lives then you taek your own life into your hands. if someone shoots then good on the, you shouldn`t be there in the first place. You chose to go there and steal from someone.
Take it like a man and stop being a wt[at].t
As for human rights - you dont have human rights when cause hurt to others. Does this mean I should walk out of work right now and go and kill someone but when i am prosecuted i can sue them as they caused me pain? bollocks.

Freakin gypo b[at].sdrats they dont even pay freakin taxes. so feck off.

RE: Tw@t that robbed Tony Martin now gonna sue him........

Steven Wemyss (Competent) posted this on Friday, 13th June 2003, 14:32

As much as I think the whole sueing thing is a farce I also think that of the "Free Tony" campaign. Persons who are injured as a result of committing an offence should not be able to sue their victims. Criminals are not allowed in the UK to make a profit from their crimes so why in the hell has that law not been used or adapted to stop this sue the victim farce???

Then though to Tony Martin, this is a man who pretty much callously plotted to catch and murder someone the next time they invaded his property. He even bragged about trying to do it a few days beforehand and has shown no regret about it since. As much as the burglars are in the wrong scaring the crap out of someone with a gun and shooting them in the back as they run off is also wrong! You can bet also that it was his lack of regret being the reason why the parole board refused to let him out early and indeed I think they`re right not to. A crime is a crime regardless of the how and why it was committed, it`s only in very exceptional circumstances where this isn`t the rule.

I remember one of the things I was taught as part of Modern Studies at high school was the concept of Human Rights and the idea of Rights Vs Responsibility which frankly I am all for. You have rights but you also have responsibilities to live up to in order to keep those rights. For instance you have the right to freedom, in line with that you have the responsibility not to abuse that freedom for criminal purposes, if you do so well you loose that freedom for a while as punishment, i.e. jail. You have the right to freedom of speech, you have the responsibility to not abuse this right in order to preach hatred or racism etc. And so on...simple concept but one that is sadly lacking nowadays. Now it`s all I have the right to...yeah but if you abuse those rights why should you still have it??? If you murder someone you`ve denied their right to live so why should you expect that same right???

Steven Wemyss

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"Computer games don`t affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we`d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." - Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989

This item was edited on Friday, 13th June 2003, 15:39

RE: Tw@t that robbed Tony Martin now gonna sue him........

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th June 2003, 15:16

But steven, murder is a legal term.

That should read "if you murder someone, you should be murdered in return". That`s nonsensical.

If I kill someone in self defence, I haven`t murdered them and I keep my rights.

Absolute B*stard

RE: Tw@t that robbed Tony Martin now gonna sue him........

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th June 2003, 15:26

So where does a human "right" stop being a "right"? You have the right to free speech, as long as you don`t disagree with me?

If you don`t earn enough are your "rights" allowed to be dissolved? If your not a home owner do you lose the "right" to vote? Do you have the "right" to support any political party?

The fact that this person is a robber shouldn`t stop him from taking Tony Martin to court, and yes Tony Martin should be found to be liable. And the damages should be £0.01, without costs.

But if you are commiting a criminal act you shouldn`t be fair game to any tom dick or harry - Smoking Cannabis? *bang* your dead, Speeding *bang* your dead, serving Alchohol to minors *bang your dead ....

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