Page 1 of Bush Widescreen TV question
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Following some messages on this forum about Bush widescreen TV`s at ALDI I went and bought one on Saturday.
It is a bit ugly but it has a Panasonic tube and the picture is not too bad.
What I can`t understand is how the picture sizing works. A standard 4:3 picture has black bars down each side. A 16.9 picture has black bars top, bottom and both sides (i.e. it just sits in the middle of the screen). I thought it was faulty at first, but I took it back and swapped it and the new one is just the same.
Switching to 16:9 on the remote control just stretches the picture horizontally.
I read an on-line review which said it displays anamorphic pictures correctly. What is an anamorphic picture. What do the BBC treansmit (via OnDigital)?
I can`t try it with a DVD because I don`t have one at the moment (I had two faulty Aiwas - OK I was unlucky).m I may get the Manahatten player, the review looks OK and it is in silver.
This is a genuine query so please don`t give me loads of abuse and say the TV is s***e - I know its a cheap one, it is a second set.
There is nothing wrong with the TV, as far as it working !
The Bush WS6672 and the WharefdaleCTV-890 (TESCOS) are exactly the same TV, but the 890 has 4 picture modes insted of the bush`s 2 picture modes
There should be 2 more user settings when you press the 16:9 button !
I am trying to phone Bush and complane, I think you should be able to enter the service menu and turn on these extra picture modes !
Please phone in and complane, the phone no is on the warrenty card !
0208 787 3111
Apart from this problem the TV is Great I bought 2, but as you say there is no vertical stretch so ? * ! ***
RE: Bush Widescreen TV question
I tried the service number but just got an answerphone - I will try again and let you know how I get on.
As far as I am concerend this Bush TV is a bit of a con - as I see things it is not possible to even get a picture that fills the whole of the screen in either mode.
It is as if they took a standard TV chassis and then fitted it to a widescreen tube - the 16:9 button just stretches the picture horizontally and distorts it. When is the 16:9 button of any use?
The 16:9 button is of use when you are watching a widescreen-transmitted TV picture (digital tv mostly), or when you are watching a dvd with the player set to 16:9 widescreen mode.
If the film in anamorphic it will automatically fit itself to fill the entire screen in 16:9 mode with no black bars top or bottom.
RE: Bush Widescreen TV question
Well, with it connected to my OnDig receiver (via SCART with the OnDig set to "16:9" widescreen output) I get a `widescreen` aspect picture, but sitting in the middle of the tube with black bars each side and top and bottom. I get this on NEWS24 which is always widescreen. Switching to 16:9 on the set just stretches this across the tube, so the picture is distorted and still has black bars top and bottom.
Like I said, I have played with this using all sorts of settings on OnDigital and on analogue and I`ve never had a picture that fills the screen (without distorting it). CAn anybody help.
RE: Bush Widescreen TV question
Just phoned Bush. After queing on the phone for half an hour (at peak rate) I was answered by a girl who told me that she couldn`t help with technical information. I asked to speak to an engineer but was told that they dont have any. She said that they would send out an engineer to me, but if no fault was found then I would have to pay a £50 call out fee. If no-one else can help me to get a full-screen image on this set then I will return it to ALDI for a refund. At the moment it just seems to be a con.
RE: Bush Widescreen TV question
I have a Goodmans 28" widescreen and my settings are these
zoom a=normal picture to fit all the screen with a bit off the bottom and very little off the top.
zoom b =normal picture to fit the screen more off the top very little off the bottom for subtitles.
standard = distorted normal 4.3 to fit width or dvd full screen.
reduced = normal 4.3 black bands each side.
hope this helps
RE: Bush Widescreen TV question
I have given up with the bush WS6672 TV`s. Today I took them back to Aldi and got a refund !. Then went down to tescos and bought the Wharefdale M8 28"widescreen, which is exactly the same TV as the bush but has the screen modes FIXED !
Anyway bottom line is I`m well chuffed with it now, for the money it is still a good TV !
The man at Aldi was not sure about taking them back, but I bluffed it !. I told him customer services admitted there was a problem with the TV and, I could have FULL refund if i wished !. The guy did not understand widescreen at all, and I think i blinded him with science !