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Blair views

Terry-villaman (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 19:25

I would like to know what the popularity of Mr Blair is at the moment.

Kind regards

RE: Blair views

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 19:29

Dunno bout Blair personally, but according to Sky News, his war is supported by 84%

RE: Blair views

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 23:37

He`s bombing iraq - getts my vote next time.

How many war protestors voted for him last time eh? Hands up!


Absolute B*stard

RE: Blair views

Asad (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 30th March 2003, 00:09

> Dunno bout Blair personally, but according to Sky News, his war is supported by 84%

Wouldn`t trust the polls on Sky News too much. For many weeks they have been consistently saying support for the war has been 70%+ even when other polls suggested the majority were against it.

As for Blair I reckon he`s probably going to be kicked out by his party within 12 months regardless of how the war goes.

RE: Blair views

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th March 2003, 01:12

Blair is a lying, deceitful slimey piece of sh*t who should be put on trial for war crimes!

I have never voted for him and (obviously) never will!

RE: Blair views

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th March 2003, 11:12

I like the guy. He`ll still get my vote.

RE: Blair views

Nemesis (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 30th March 2003, 11:25

I can`t remember whether I voted for him or not. I don`t think that we should have invaded without a resolution from the UN, but now that we have I DO support our troops.

Is that good enough for you Grunt?

If he is around for the next election he will NOT get my vote.

RE: Blair views

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th March 2003, 11:27

I couldn`t really give a f***!

I`m not against the war, but I`m not for it either.

RE: Blair views

matchday (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 30th March 2003, 11:56

I think Blair is a good man who has simply been corrupted by power and a misplaced vision of his own impotance. His ministers, our MPs and ourselves as voters are to blame for that.

It happens to most of us at one time in our life. When I was 10 I thought that playing well at centre half would make me a good centre forward (it simply left a big hole in our defence).

Unfortunately it happened to Tony when the world rather than a junior school needed restraint and humility.

He promised the Americans he could tame Europe and he promised the Europeans he could tame America. He ended up holding the s**tty end of two sticks at once. Quite a feat!

I can`t see him surviving. The when the horror of house to house fighting in Baghdad becomes apparent the press, parliament and the people will turn on him and Robin Cook will rise phoenix like from the ashes of the government.

Lets hope that the world sees that as punishment enough for the rest of us.

RE: Blair views

Colin Mac (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 30th March 2003, 12:37

The war is supported by 84% taken from 510 people, where did they conduct this poll in an MOD office?

The latest pool taken today is 100% AGAINST the war (taken from 510 CND supporters)

MORAL: Using stastistics to prove anything depends where & how the parameters of sample are taken.

Theres lies and then there are stastistics, borh are the same!!!!!!

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