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Anti-war protesters causing Traffic Jams...What`s the point?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 17:38

Anti-war protesters have staged go-slow protests on a number of british motorways.

Can I ask, what the hell is the point? the war is on, there`s nothing you can do about it now. All you`re going to do is make more people hate you, and your train of thought.

Look at it this way, you`re holding up hundreds of people who hate being held up. Once they find out they`ve been held up by a bunch of liberals with too much time (and petrol) on their hands, who are holding you up to protest against something that`s happening a third of the way around the world, and to which neither you nor they can change in anyway, they`re going to deliberately choose the opposite standpoint, just because you made them late for; work/getting home/court appearance/delivering human transplant organs.......

Look, I appreciate what you`re trying to do, but for god`s sake, making rush hour 2 hours longer isn`t going to do ANYTHING

RE: Anti-war protesters causing Traffic Jams...What`s the point?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 18:09

I think the main reason they resort to such desperate tactics is purely down to the fact that they have no real answers. It`s easy to say `no, don`t go to war` and criticise the government, but I haven`t heard one of the protesters/anti-war brigade come up with any other options or ideas.

I am not particularly in favour of the war...but neither am I totally against it. We will never get to know the full facts, and without those I find it extremely difficult to make an informed judgement. I think it`s a bit of a bandwagon thing at the moment with some`s an excuse to have a go at authority.

I haven`t got the answers to the present situation (wish I had), and I`d love to see it resolved peacefully...but walking out of work, causing traffic jams etc is not the way to get the point across.

RE: Anti-war protesters causing Traffic Jams...What`s the point?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 18:56

Totally agree with the two of you.

But one thing that bothers me is that the peace-protesters say they are "with the Iraqi people". If so, they should be all for War, as many of the Iraqi people want rid of Saddam, because he is an evil c*** that acts like a spoilt child, but what he has done in the past has been no game. I think Bush and Blair have the right intentions, I just wonder if they have gone the right way about it (I hope they have, because if not the UK and US are going to look very bad).

Anyway, there is f*** all I can do about it, so why worry?

RE: Anti-war protesters causing Traffic Jams...What`s the point?

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 19:08

Damn right. The war has started, they should now get a frikkin job

RE: Anti-war protesters causing Traffic Jams...What`s the point?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 19:39

Just in case there`s any doubt about the kind of government Saddam Hussein runs, it should be noted that once he came to power, he called a press conference, wher he `named and shamed` several other politicians who had tried to run against him, calling them `Traitors` (A bit like what Robert Mugabe is doing)
Once they had identified themselves (at the press conference), Saddam had them taken outside and shot in the head.

RE: Anti-war protesters causing Traffic Jams...What`s the point?

penzance (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 19:54

Top of all that you get the annoying truents who want any excuse to miss school and be rebellious. Funny, schools over, where are they now?ah at home doing whatever they do these days. Politically minded, my arse!!

RE: Anti-war protesters causing Traffic Jams...What`s the point?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 20:29

I can`t believe that they actually think that these kids are essentially bunking off school as a political statement. What a load of toss!

RE: Anti-war protesters causing Traffic Jams...What`s the point?

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 21:02

Yes those peace protesters really are a problem aren`t they?
Imagine having the nerve to question the actions of our whiter than white government!

Stopping traffic and causing disruption, what are they like?!
They should realise that now the war has started we all just have to sit back, accept it and watch it on the telly!

It`s time to forget the fact that there was never any evidence of these mythical weapons of mass destruction, and that the moment our governments realised they weren`t going to get any, and that all the phoney evidence and plagiarized dossiers weren`t working, that it suddenly turned into a humanitarian war!

Forget the fact that the US and UK Governments are acting totally independantly of the public of the countries they`re supposed to represent!

At no point since the conception of this war have the general public`s opinions actually mattered, doesn`t make a difference if you backed it or not, it was always going to happen!

It just took them a while to get an angle that more people could believe in!

We`re liberating the people of Iraq!

Now let`s all sit back and watch it on the telly!

Those Iraqi`s are going to be so grateful (once they`ve buried all their dead friends & relatives!)

RE: Anti-war protesters causing Traffic Jams...What`s the point?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 21:10

"Stopping traffic and causing disruption, what are they like?!
They should realise that now the war has started we all just have to sit back"

What have the protestors achieved (other than p***ing off half the population and ignoring the Iraqi people`s pro-war demonstrations)?

Do you yourself protest Straightjacket?

Ask yourself these questions.

RE: Anti-war protesters causing Traffic Jams...What`s the point?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 21:16

"They should realise that now the war has started we all just have to sit back"....come on chewie, get real mate. We are at war, there are people who feel so strongly that we should not be. They are making their point of view known - would you prefer an Iraqi-style regime where people were not allowed freedom of speech?...and before anyone throws the typical `well, you`re against the war so you must be for Saddam"..think how stupid that sounds.

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