Page 1 of Red Nose Day, Who Is It Realy For!

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Red Nose Day, Who Is It Realy For!

LOG (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 00:50

Seems to me that it`s more to do with helping C-List Celebrities flaging carreers then the people intended, and giving the BBC an excuse for s*** TV and lots of adverts.

Also the sight of Billy Connolly or Lenny Henry asking for money from a poverty stricken village some where in the third World is some what diluted when you realize how many millions these two are worth alone,.and how many houses they own between them.

Surley it`s greedy Bastards like these that cause the problems in the first place ie more wants more!

I could be wrong of course......


RE: Red Nose Day, Who Is It Realy For!

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 01:13

You have a point in that rich people are asking for money to help poor people when they already have lots of money themselves. But I think it really does help make a difference. They have lots of different programmes all with the same theme and sometimes celebs make fools of themselves to raise money so it is worth it. There is also of course, Children In need which is more or less the same thing but for a different cause.

RE: Red Nose Day, Who Is It Realy For!

richardbradley66 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 01:52

Nice one log. My idea is for the BBC to show there metal and ask all their stars who appear all year round to give up 20% of their fees and all the money they save from the tv license we HAVE to pay (which must go to the stars or what else is it for?) be donated to comic relief, that way, everyone of us will be making a contribution and the money wouldnt go to people already worth millions!
Yes, i can here you cry, "Theres more chance of finding rocking-horse sh*t on the moon"!
......and youd be right too.
P.s And for all you do gooders, i do know that the BBC make xcellent document.......wildlife........animal program.......etc.....etc.......but i did say 20%

RE: Red Nose Day, Who Is It Realy For!

Shaun P (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 08:02

I`m in two minds about Comic Relief. Yeah, it`s a good cause, and the stars (and lots of other people) do give their time up FOC - although to an extent, I do agree with the arguments above.

The thing that gets me, though, is where the money goes. 2/3 goes overseas - which is fair enough - but I saw a piece on the BBC last night about money going to a scheme in South Africa to get young men off the streets and out of the gangs etc. Now, I have no problem with money going to poorer countries to help with famine and disease, but why don`t we sort our own house out and try to solve the drug and gang culture in Manchester, Liverpool, London, Birmingham etc.? I`m sure the parents and families of those two girls murdered in Birmingham aroundx Xmas will be really pleased that some guys in SA are getting help, when the people who killed their children are running around Brum.

<-- style.soapbox = off -->

RE: Red Nose Day, Who Is It Realy For!

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 09:08

well, they`ve arrested someone for those shootings...and plenty of money does go to schemes all around Britain for disadvantaged people of all types. I suppose the bottom line is if you don`t like where the money goes, don`t give any. If you would prefer it to go somewhere else, find a charity that helps out....or even start one.

RE: Red Nose Day, Who Is It Realy For!

Aslan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 09:18

Here we go again! Whinge, whinge frigging whinge!

Firstly contributions to Red-Conk Day are not mandatory. The old adage states if you don`t like what`s on TV..change channels/switch off/ watch a film.

As for having `stars` contributing during this period? Who should they have...Joe Streetwise, you! Doesn`t take much working out which is the better option surely.

So these wealthy `stars`, you obviously have direct access to their accounts, are just out there on a `jolly` eh? What were you guys doing for the last few nights...probably sat on a sofa for the most before sloping off to the keyboard to post some more rhetoric.

What is your `raison detre` chaps? To vegetate and whinge? Why not try some jogging/cycling/going to the gym? It clears the mind, relieves mental tension and keeps you fit. Although don`t hold me responsible for any coronaries!

Billy Conolly (Scots), Lenny Henry (Black) are we really back to the same old rascist jibes! Grow up! How do I know that you do not have more money then they have? At least they offer something positive.whacko!

In short, if you don`t like it don`t contribute and more importantly....get a frigging life!!

No offence of course.

RE: Red Nose Day, Who Is It Realy For!

LOG (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 09:31

Billy Conolly (Scots), Lenny Henry (Black) are we really back to the same old rascist jibes!

He probaly sees it in coffee and sugar as well.


RE: Red Nose Day, Who Is It Realy For!

Pistol (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 09:50

Don`t knock it, you can`t deny that it`s a good cause. Yes, we can doubt the motives of some of the celebrities involved if we want, but the fact is it wouldn`t be anywhere near as successful without them. It`s the end results that are important.

When I was at school, Red Nose Day was a major event in the year, and definitely the most successful. No other charitable cause would get as much enthusiastic contribution from the kids!

Personally, I don`t like Children in Need, because I hate Pudsey. But I`m not going to suggest that it`s crap, because it`s a worthy cause. I`ll just stick with Comic Relief. It`s just horses for courses, innit?

Come on Bear, can`t we have a sponsored baked bean wrestling match between you and Grunt Boy? Aslan could referee (from a safe distance of course!)


RE: Red Nose Day, Who Is It Realy For!

Rich_H (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 09:51

I think you`ll find more of the money is spent in Britain than anywhere else and rightly so. Henry and Connolly are using their fame to help other people and so they should do, they are not looking to make money from it - Lennie Henry has been doing it for years!

RE: Red Nose Day, Who Is It Realy For!

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 10:08

Its like the new National Lottery adverts. A blatant attempt at 'look, we do spend our money in Britain and not on asylum seekers', like anyone who buys a lottery ticket gives a crap about anything other than if they have to go to work on Monday or have to go and buy a ferrari.

Comic Relief is a worthy charity on two fronts. It gives children (yes children. A child is a child, regardless of where it comes from. Who gives a damn if it is english or african? Surely helping out a child is a good enough reason?) a helping hand and it boosts the careers of some of the non-entities who 'entertain' us. A win/win scenario.

I know the african angle was pushed to the extreme in the early 90's but not so much recently. Now Britain is quickly becoming as xenophobic as America, organisations really do have to prove 'charity begins at home' and not with some filthy arab looking for a nice house and a cushy life (please note: I don't think arabs are filthy, it was a metaphor to prove a point. I don't read the Daily Mail).

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