Page 1 of which sites do u check out when u r bored????

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which sites do u check out when u r bored????

KaTz (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th March 2003, 04:05

hi guys,
when u r bored and surfin, which sites do u look at?
i always check these forums. lol seeing if theres and new bargains
and the freebier site .
also just found a webcam site:

anyone know any free web cam sites??
i think i`m turning into a voyuer [sorry if i spelled it wrong]

RE: which sites do u check out when u r bored????

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th March 2003, 10:18

I check this one, (the worlds greatest repository of s***e), (funeeee) and (the greatest site on the internet). And, of course,, arguably the most comprehensive site in the universe (it virtually wrote my dissertation).

RE: which sites do u check out when u r bored????

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th March 2003, 10:22

I often check out the Edge forums (, the Church of Chutney Macgregor (, Gamesasylum ( and the best website in the universe, by Maddox (

RE: which sites do u check out when u r bored????

cynic (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th March 2003, 10:55

having felt lost and in need of a saviour I found the true meaning of life at and am now a saved person. Praise Bob :)
Alternatively if you prefer doubt and fear try the home site of the crowd that brought you late night weirdness on channel 4 with disinfonation

RE: which sites do u check out when u r bored????

Cuba Boy (Competent) posted this on Monday, 10th March 2003, 11:25

I also enjoy Maddox`s Best Page in the Universe (see above) although he should be doing it full-time, of course, and - compulsive surfing. is the UK film distributors` page which has cinema release dates for upcoming films.

And when I`m feeling really nerdy, I check out

And there are some other sites I`m too embarrassed to share with you.

RE: which sites do u check out when u r bored????

Hodge (Competent) posted this on Monday, 10th March 2003, 11:27 has plenty of links for when you`re bored.


"The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have
names and addresses"

RE: which sites do u check out when u r bored????

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 10th March 2003, 13:09

The only website to ever make me laugh out loud. Comedy genius, especially the Star Wars Episode 2 articles.Shame its not updated very often!

RE: which sites do u check out when u r bored????

dustjunkie (Competent) posted this on Monday, 10th March 2003, 13:58

Try this for a bit of comedy relief.

pie . . . need pie . . . .

This item was edited on Monday, 10th March 2003, 14:00

RE: which sites do u check out when u r bored????

dustjunkie (Competent) posted this on Monday, 10th March 2003, 13:59

wheres the pie . . . .

This item was edited on Monday, 10th March 2003, 13:59

RE: which sites do u check out when u r bored????

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th March 2003, 14:47

Oops! No porn allowed......

Ok, Digital Spy and E-tones.

This item was edited on Monday, 10th March 2003, 14:55

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