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So - How broke are you then???

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 17:18

I`ve been feelin well crap this week cos every time i get paid - i sort all my bills, pay as much as possible into my credit card and that leaves me with like £100 to last me a whole bloody month!

After a couple of cheap dvd`s, the odd pint here or there, this month i have £20.05 in my bank account. Overdrawn to the max and nothing left on my Credit card. About £6 grand worth of student debts too.

Anyone else as broke as me? Any money making tips? Roll on the 19th of Feb whwn i get paid next!!!!!

Your thoughts please!

ps........think i might join the circus............

This item was edited on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 17:19

RE: So - How broke are you then???

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 17:27

Sell your body to science. You can make a couple of grand from a couple of weeks work. Although you might get some strange side effects such as........

RE: So - How broke are you then???

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 17:31

...discovering suddenly you have a third leg where your willy used to be.

RE: So - How broke are you then???

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 17:36

Apply for a credit card with an intro interest rate of 0% for six months and transfer any balances to it, this will save you a few quid in interest alone. Lloyds TSB and Cheltenham & Glocester are two that I`ve had mail about recently.

RE: So - How broke are you then???

gingerone (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 17:56

I`m pretty skint myself, although two kids and a mortgage will do that to you!
The only answer and it`s not pretty is stop spending.

RE: So - How broke are you then???

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 18:06

Sell your life`s possessions on eBay - if you`re a hoarder like me you`ll make silly money on there.

Worked for me when I hit a "sticky patch" :-)

RE: So - How broke are you then???

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 18:24

"sticky patch"

I hate those, especially when I`ve just washed my jim-jams.... what were we talking about again???

RE: So - How broke are you then???

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 20:22

I understand completely mate...

I work as a designer for a newspaper.. and i don`t have a single mate who gets paid less than me... I have 4 credit cards... with balances of £400, £1,000, £1000, and £1,300... I have Student loans of around £3,000 and and an overdraft of £250...

I`m getting married in October, and I`ve just bought a house... THANK GOD MY LASS earns a canny wack...

I supplement my s*** wage by building pcs .. but theres not much business around at the moment... so i`ve registered with some agencys to get some part-time work temp work...

oh well... at least i`m not dead

RE: So - How broke are you then???

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 21:13

£4,300 debt here, and it HURTS!

This item was edited on Thursday, 6th February 2003, 17:33

RE: So - How broke are you then???

philbw (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 21:17

Got you ALL beat:

£5407 Credit Card bill (7% APR - £30 a month interest)
£5434 Loan (30 months left to pay)

AND I`m now unemployed... £54 a week Jobseekers!!

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