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A disappearing thread....

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 22:29

Asked for info on a site for cd covers. Got mail, after getting a couple of people trying to help, accusing me of "requesting information regarding pirated or other illegal material."
F***ing bollocks!!

Definitely not making any assumptions here but I`m sure all the requests (`cos that`s all it seems to be used for now!) on hacks forum for (S)vcd playback are for people who`ve bought VCD (BOLLOCKS!!!) and people asking how to `back up` their games/dvd`s are completely legit` and that`s why they`ve been left... Yeah sure they`re allowed - no problem.

Standard questions.
1) How do I convert `divX` to `vcd` format.

See Yeah, I`ve got loads of divx files lying around. Create them all the time. Just need to play them on my player.

Ooh look Kiss are selling a DVD player that`ll play DivX files. In fact it even has an ethernet connection for convenience. Wonder what that`ll be used for?? Hmm.. Neermind, I`ll post a link to it all..

2) How do I remove Macrovision protection?

Why do you want to do that? Doesn`t matter, just get cable/scart from

Thanks for the help. Not deleted.

So, thanks for the help.

Skirpy, can you e-mail me details on original deleted post. I can`t change my e-mail address. Posted a question on how to change it at a similar time to covers help but met with less helpful response. Old addy still live.

By the way, anyone who`s posted similar messages to the ones I`ve mentioned, I`m not having a go! I`m having a go at the sheer HYPOCRICY on show here. If you look, you`ll see I`ve responded to and helped more than a few in the past.


RE: A disappearing thread....

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 22:44

The thread was deleted because the original question asked about downloading copyrighted audio files from a website.

The sites that were referred to by other posters both had full albums available to download for free - this IS piracy, hence the reason for deletion.

You have my utmost assurance that anything that relates to the blatant availability of copyrighted material free of charge from a website will receive the same treatment - brrrzzzappp....

Other questions within postings on this sites that ask for specific techniques, or methods for doing things are not blatant links to piracy. E.g remember that just because someone wants to defeat Macrovision doesn`t make them a pirate - some of us own older TVs or projectors that need MV switching off.

Chill, man...anyone with a half decent search engine can find things on the Internet if you look hard enough. Just don`t throw your toys out of the pram because I choose to protect this website - it`s my job, after all !


RE: A disappearing thread....

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 22:55

No toys have been thrown. In fact I didn`t know it was you that had `protected this website`.

I know completely that older tv`s, projectors or going through vids can give MV probs but come on, READ THE POSTS - it`s not what is being asked!
I haven`t said that asking for MV workarounds makes anyone a pirate - I just don`t believe my request was any more worthy of being labelled as one either!
The word `blatant` in your reply is so subjective but that`s what you`re there for. However, I don`t believe there were any blatant links in my request either. If you believe there WERE links in replies, then how many times have we seen posts edited by you guys to remove such occurences?? Not threads deleted completely.

"You have my utmost assurance that anything that relates to the blatant availability of copyrighted material free of charge from a website will receive the same treatment - brrrzzzappp...."

Must have lost the original carts....

Nah, just edit the URL..


This item was edited on Friday, 6th December 2002, 23:06

RE: A disappearing thread....

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 23:07

I don`t want to get into an argument here, Ste, as you are a valued member of these forums.

Inconsistencies in moderating do happen from time to time : please remember we are humans :-)


This item was edited on Friday, 6th December 2002, 23:10

RE: A disappearing thread....

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 23:56

I`ve made lots of references to Kazaa and the like in previous posts.What do you think I use these for? Free full albums!!! There are loads of piracy related questions, and the thread created by Ste was hardly asking for much. We know there are lots of other CD Cover sites, but WAS the best - we just want to know if there is anything AS good. Search engines throw out loads of crap, and I`d rather have a look at a site which is recommended by someone.

Why didn`t you just delete the link Clayts? You`re an excellent mod and I see the point you were trying to make but I`m with Ste on this one. Sorry!

This item was edited on Friday, 6th December 2002, 23:56

RE: A disappearing thread....

duder (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 23:57

I`m sitting on the fence here guys. I`ve been a member of these forums for quite a while now and it`s not nice to see the old timers clashing.

Can we kiss and make up and return to our normal cheery selves as I`d hate anyone to stop posting here over this.

Just my opinion. :o)

RE: A disappearing thread....

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 7th December 2002, 01:08

Come on duder, everyone has to argue at some point! Its what makes forums interesting - its good to disagree sometimes. Keeps things interesting!

RE: A disappearing thread....

bear (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th December 2002, 01:56

Well me for one as never bought a single item of software in my PC computer life and never will, and KAZZAR is my record shop!

PS..Try google for all your needs it will only take five minutes.

RE: A disappearing thread....

sj (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th December 2002, 08:29

OK all.
It`s just that it did wind me up a bit being accused and having the complete thread removed knowing that,in my opinion, far more blatant requests had gone before it.
I understand about inconsistencies Clayts and also realise that probably what one mod may let go another wouldn`t ;-).
The times I`ve seen in the past "Right I`ve just had broadband installed. Where can I get `stuff` from?". This has been allowed. Funnily enough, yesterday I had broadband inst.........;-)

Bear, "KAZZAR is my record shop!" Class!!



RE: A disappearing thread....

crackthehack40 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 7th December 2002, 09:15

direct connect is best for full albums

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