Page 1 of Signs **SPOILER**

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Signs **SPOILER**

ebony.branch (Elite) posted this on Monday, 16th September 2002, 17:30

Anyone else seen this?

Saw it yesterday. I`ve read mixed reviews and I came away with mixed feelings. The film is quite claustrophobic in the way that it shows you a worldwide catastrophe through the eyes of a small farming family, it made me jump a few times and the cast are very watchable. But there are so many things that don`t make sense.


I couldn`t decide whether the underlying message is that:

1. God is omniscient, omnipotent, etc. and so committed enough to moving in mysterious ways that he will leave coded messages to his creation to prepare the chosen favoured ones against catastrophe, or;

2. Mel Gibson is a paranoid schizophrenic who reads signs into everyday coincidences and subsequently recovers his faith (thereby showing that religion is the last refuge of the insane).

Option 2. would make the whole film a subtle but quite powerful dig at organised religion. Option 1. implies that M. Night Shyamalan`s talent as a film maker is noticeably evaporating with every film he makes.

The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away...

Any thoughts, anyone?

This item was edited on Monday, 16th September 2002, 18:24

RE: Signs

GazMan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 16th September 2002, 18:00

I saw this film the other night and it seems to me as though the boy who wrote this god bored towards the end.

Apart from the obvious stuff that made no sense at all e.g 8 foot tall creatures cannot break down doors ????

My overall remarks for this film are as follows - PISH

RE: Signs **SPOILER**

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 16th September 2002, 18:56

I`ve seen Signs and I`ve come to the following conclusions

When is M. Night Shyamalan going to stop making the same film over and over?

All of M. Night Shyamalan`s films amount to two hours of whispering followed by a jarring twist in the tail.

The twists are getting more and more pathetic as he makes more movies.
Sixth Sense (Oh My God)
Unbreakable (You have got to be kidding)
Signs (I`m not even bothered)

The plot holes are bigger than the crop circles.

Finally M. Night Shyamalan shouldn`t act.

RE: Signs **SPOILER**

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Monday, 16th September 2002, 20:45

I agree that M. Night Shyamalan shouldn`t act, I believe that someone has already started an online petition on this very topic.

I have to say though, that I enjoyed Signs. It wasn`t as good as I expected it to be, but it was decent entertainment when there`s not a lot else out there.

Gonna see Road to Perdition tomorrow. I hope I don`t fall asleep...

RE: Signs **SPOILER**

washu (Competent) posted this on Monday, 16th September 2002, 20:54

Now, as you will most likely be told by an elephant, I hate virtually EVERYTHING that gets released but Signs got a good opinion out of me. From the start, I knew it would be something obvious that would save the day (as it seems to be in most films) and that the ending would be a bit of a let-down if you expected it to be some all-out war. Having set my mind this way, I managed to sit and enjoy the film, which is no meant feat for myself. It`s FAR better than that Unbreakable pap and stop expecting him to top the 6th Sense, he probably should have held onto that one a bit longer as it may be acting as a noose around his neck. What was wrong with his acting?
As for the meaning of the film, I am sorry but I don`t think people should look for something which probably isn`t there in the first place. If you want to analyse a film, then just use the Hollywood checklist and example of which I`ve already mentioned.

RE: Signs **SPOILER**

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th September 2002, 11:58

Thought this film was brilliant, better than th sense and Unbreakable. I read a review on IMDB that the film was a dream had by Mel ibbson or his daughter, cant remember who wrote the review or the reasons they gave but it kinda made sense.


RE: Signs **SPOILER**

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th September 2002, 13:03


In the cinema i saw it at.. the place was electric!!.. I was gripped from start to finish...

The mix of jump out yer seat... and laugh yer pants off was superb.. Great performances from the Joaquin Pheonix, the kids.. and even Mel...

but honestly..tell me it didn`t completey freak you out... that footage of the kids birthday party in Brazil? My hair stands up on the back of my neck everytime i think about it...

oh.. and em.. what twist?..this was nothing like unbreakable or the sixth sense..


RE: Signs **SPOILER**

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th September 2002, 13:04

and if it was a dig at religion... the end would be different...

RE: Signs **SPOILER**

redtom (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 17th September 2002, 13:30

Saw this at the weekend and, depending on how you look at it, its either utter rubbish or a subtle comment on man`s imagined self-importance and privileged-place-in-the-universe delusion. If it is the latter, then I should be filled with horror at the end, at the prospect of characters like gibson`s, and their knife-wielding and baseball-bat-swinging approach to dealing with problems, assuming authority. The fact is, I lost interest after about 20 minutes. Must have been utter rubbish then.

RE: Signs **SPOILER**

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th September 2002, 15:04

really?.. knife weilding?.. the knife was used as a mirror.. and only in self defence...

and if by problems you mean 7ft aliens.. well.. i just wonder how you would deal with them?.. perhaps you would try to use rhetoric in a hope to confuse the creature with your inane babblings?


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