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Mobile phone ban

andyrh68 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 20th August 2002, 21:32

What say you all about the proposed outlawing of using mobile phones whilst driving?
As one who cycles to work most days, and who on many an occassion has had to resort to mounting the pavement sharpish to avoid said `law breakers` whilst they make that oh so important phone call that it can`t wait a couple more bloody minutes....I say, about bleedin time!

RE: Mobile phone ban

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th August 2002, 22:02

Well I have seen my neighbour leave the house, get in her car, start the engine and then make a call as she backs her car into the road.

I too have had some close calls with people on the phone, half the time they dont even realise you have just had to take avoiding action due to there negligence.

The problem is so many people use the phone whilst driving police may be overwhelmed and just wont have the time to enforce any new laws.

RE: Mobile phone ban

Westy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th August 2002, 22:21

As a driver myself, this is a welcome clamp down on a long,drawn out subject - but as a guy from the RAC said on the news, it isn`t going to make any significant breakthrough sadly. As easy as it is to obtain a handsfree kit, many people are too lazy to get the whole thing set up, what with the microphone clip, the crap earpeices designed for only one type of ear shape, then finding a place to put your phone so it doesn`t fall all over the car etc etc....

Until someone designs a nice, easy to use, and more importantly;affordable hands free device - we`re just going to have to bite our lips and put up with it. I`m lucky to have been able to get a Nokia In Car system with a mic behind the steering wheel and sound that dips the radio volume and outputs the conversation through the cars audio system, but not everyone can get hold of these, or indeed afford them, so until Police realise that mobiles are good in an emergency, that there`s never a convenient place to stop when you simply MUST take a LEGITIMATELY IMPORTANT phone call, there are really bad drivers without mobile phones, and there are women who do their make up whilst driving then the whole mobile phone thing isn`t going to happen until they find a decent compromise with the driving community.

More accidents happen through driving with undue care and attention than they do with people on their mobiles, more fatalities are caused by people driving too fast or not looking where they`re going, and more small road accidents are caused because the Police insist on choking our roads by placing speed cameras on totally pointless pieces of road out of OUR TAX MONEY!!!!

Come on Mr Police Chief, sort out the fundamental things first, not jump on a media hate wagon to ban mobiles altogther. There are kids out there driving without licenses, people so old they`re a danger on the road to themselves, and more people driving with no insurance or road tax.

What`s more important, constable???...

Rant over


RE: Mobile phone ban

andyrh68 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 20th August 2002, 22:50

so until Police realise that mobiles are good in an emergency, that there`s never a convenient place to stop when you simply MUST take a LEGITIMATELY IMPORTANT phone call

More important than ensuring the safety of yourself, other road users and pedestrians? I think not.

RE: Mobile phone ban

Westy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th August 2002, 23:55

Perhaps you mis-understood?

When i say you must take the phone call, i`m talking about the good drivers here who actually look where they`re going and slow down a bit to take a call. Nobody is perfect and sometimes the timing of an important call can be hazardous, i understand that. It`s the knob end drivers who wind me up, the ones who you constantly see with their head either tilted to one side holding their phone against their ear, or one hand on the wheel and their phone being proudly paraded as if it`s really cool.

The mark of a good motorist is one who can keep his wits about him or her, if you mus take an important call, you only need say - i`ll call you back in 2 minuted when i`ve found somewhere to stop, problem over. Personally i find someone jabbering away in the passenger seat more distracting, that`s why no-one talks to ME while I`M driving!! When i did my advanced driving course even the examiner flagged that one up.

I`m not sayong using your mobile is right whilst driving, but there are other dangers as well as using your phone whilst driving...


RE: Mobile phone ban

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 21st August 2002, 13:20

My brother came back from a road trip last week with an ingenious hands-free car kit which is simply a cradle that plugs into your cigarette lighter and can be angled (depending on your lighter`s position) neatly to house your phone. Was about £40 I think.

I`m all for this ban on using a mobile without a hands-free kit whilst driving, and I do think it will make a difference.

Remember when driving without a seatbelt was made illegal? The police just spent a few months cracking down on everyone they saw driving without one, and now only a tiny minority do. I`m sure the same thing will happen with mobile phone usage.

We`ve all seen countless examples of people driving badly with a phone strapped to their ear. I don`t think I`ve ever seen someone who looked like they were using a handsfree kit drive remotely as bad.

On the news the other night they had this guy who says he spends hours a day in his car and if it was made illegal he`d just feel his time was wasted. Scary or what!

Didn`t Orange have this voice activated recognition system for making calls? That would be perfect in a car with a handsfree kit.

RE: Mobile phone ban

jeebus (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 21st August 2002, 16:01

No-where near as bad as those fat bastards who eat their McDonalds whilst driving.

RE: Mobile phone ban

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st August 2002, 16:10

"No-where near as bad as those fat bastards who eat their McDonalds whilst driving."

Don`t they sell hands-free kits for burgers over in the US? ;-)


RE: Mobile phone ban

Deano! (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st August 2002, 16:19

Ban the dirty t0ssers who smoke whilst driving as well..... !!!!

RE: Mobile phone ban

Gerald (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 21st August 2002, 16:24

A girls around the corner from us used to be swerving all over the road every morning trying to steer with her knees while lighting up.

Laughed my balls off the other day when I heard she wrapped her car up after dropping fag in her lap.

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