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Alba Dvd 103 - widescreen on non-widescreen tvs

Dan Rees (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th December 2000, 08:45

I have recently bought the Alba DVD 103 system and a copy of American Beauty on DVD. By default the movie plays in widescreen format, despite me trying the various 4:3 system setups (I don`t own a widescreen tv).

Is there any way to get rid of the black borders without stretching the picture?


RE: Alba Dvd 103 - widescreen on non-widescreen tvs

robert b (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2000, 13:42

no i had this touble with a pioneer 515 it the way the films are made. my alba 103 the wide srceen is just right i hate black borders i think you should get a chaep wide screen tv then u can enjoy the best from dvd the goodmans tvs are realy good i have one up stairs and a sony down stairs go one treat your self for xmas

This item was edited on Saturday, 9th December 2000, 13:42

RE: Alba Dvd 103 - widescreen on non-widescreen tvs

Dan Rees (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2000, 20:53

Yeah, I did a bit more reading and apparently only widescreen films with Pan and Scan can be set as 4:3 without stretching. Even then you will obviously lose the side edges.

On a similar note - I noticed Gladiator has a very high widescreen ratio - can this be PSed to the equivilant of the Gladiator VHS?

RE: Alba Dvd 103 - widescreen on non-widescreen tvs

cw2000 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2000, 23:10

Most widescreen dvds prevent 4:3 Pan&Scan as it reduced the picture quality as it needs to zoom the image.

Also it adds to the disc space required as each frame has to have 4:3 crop info added.

4:3 Pan & Scan will only work with anamorphic widescreen and the discs have to allow it.

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