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Which is the better mobile phone?

Bill Carr (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st August 2002, 12:46

Nokia 3410, Samsung A300, Nokia 8310?

Played with all of them, 3410 seems to have crappy buttons, but has a deal for it on Voda where you get a free Gameboy Advance - pretty tempting. But other 2 seem like better phones - more solid feeling, better looking. Then again, 3410 has mobile java. Decisions, decisions, decisions.......


RE: Which is the better mobile phone?

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st August 2002, 13:13

One stop phone shop have got the 3330 on orange and a free x box to go with it.

RE: Which is the better mobile phone?

Bill Carr (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st August 2002, 13:42

Cheers, but I`ve got an Xbox! (could sell it I spose....) I have to go on voda too, coz of `her indoors`. Not a biggy though.



RE: Which is the better mobile phone?

robellal391 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 1st August 2002, 22:27

bill i have just ordered the 8310 on 02 or cellnet wich ever they are calling themselves at the moment.i liked the a300 but was told the 8310 was a better pnone,this was off the sales person at 02 dont know if it was sales pitch but nokia has been good 4 me.go for the nokia i think this is the better one

RE: Which is the better mobile phone?

Gerald (Competent) posted this on Friday, 2nd August 2002, 10:23

I fancy getting an 8310 myself, the thing that draws me to it is having a built in radio and being nice and small, pocket sized, ideal for listening to in work after my minidisk got pinched plus no more missed calls while listening to the mark and lard show.
got 2 months left on my current contract so hopefully will be free on Orange by then.

RE: Which is the better mobile phone?

Nikon (Competent) posted this on Friday, 2nd August 2002, 14:03

I can only go by what we have here, my wife has the Samsung A300 and has a few gripes. The main one is the very short battery life even in standby it does not seam to last much more than a couple of days so she is always charging it, when she acesses the phone book from a cold start it takes ages to organise itself and display anything and finally the ringtones are crap at best but are also rather quiet so she can miss calls.
I have the Nokia 6510 and am very pleased with it I got it as a replacement for my 6210 earlier this yaer when my contract was up for renewal, the small size did surprise me at first but got used to this now and it has more than enough features for most people, the battery life is also exceptional. The Nokia must be trendy because my 18 year old daughter always wants to borrow it when she goes out somewhere.


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