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So...what`s this new PS3 thingy like then?

julianf (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th October 2007, 22:39

Any good? Is it the "only sensible choice" out there now for games consoles? I understand it`s got wifi and a web browser too which sounds cool...and I`m guessing I could also wirelessly network it as a media centre to the PC could I?

I`m not massively into gaming, have still got an original Xbox and love Halo 1 & 2, Band of Brothers, Rainbow 6 etc when I get the time...

What`s the split like and the opinions between Xbox 360 owners and PS3 owners? There`s probably a "versus" thread on here I haven`t found (is there?)... I haven`t got a HD tv if that makes any difference and watch most movies on the TV through my ipod... I see there`s a £30 Media Centre add-on for the Wii coming out but I understand you`re limited to comicy games with that...

Any recommendations greatly received... And are there the decent FPS games out there on PS3 as with Xbox 360?



RE: So...what`s this new PS3 thingy like then?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 20th October 2007, 00:11

Buying an Xbox 360 over a PS3 is an absolute no-brainer at the minute. Due to its extended time on the market, the 360 has an immensely bigger and better catalogue of games. Plus for me, the upcoming games (as in, over the next few months) is much better than the PS3`s.

You do get built in Wi-fi and a Blu-ray player built into the PS3, but that`s about all I can think to recommend it. Even the graphics comparisons on dual format games show that the 360 still has the edge (although that may change over time).

FPS wise, there`s only Resistance on the PS3 which is exclusive, and that`s an average game from what I`ve read and have been told. On the 360 you`ve got countless games, including Bioshock, Halo 3 and Gears of War, which p*** all over the best the PS3 currently has to offer.

I was always tempted to buy a PS3 originally, but the only thing that interests me now is the Blu-Ray suport (which itself is region locked). The PS3 will have to drop another hundred £`s or so (and add some better games to its list) before I`m willing to take a look!

And if you don`t want a 360, buy a Wii. ;)

Giggity giggity!
DVD Reviewer News Hound

RE: So...what`s this new PS3 thingy like then?

1mills (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 20th October 2007, 00:28

I`m not massively into gaming, have still got an original Xbox and love Halo 1 & 2, Band of Brothers, Rainbow 6 etc when I get the time...

In that case I would say

Buying an Xbox 360 over a PS3 is an absolute no-brainer at the minute.

I raised the question of whether the PS3 actually had anything going for it at the moment as I`d hadn`t heard anything, here

The answers didn`t sounds to promising. Normal premiums can now be picked up for around £200? I don`t think there`s any contest whilst there`s no games out. If your unconvinced about the 360 and don`t want to waste the money then you may aswell not buy anything yet.

My reasoning?

The PS3 has pretty much no games that aren`t available for the 360.

If you prefer the PS3 over the 360, as your are worried about future value for games you want to play, you may aswell wait for the next fall of £100 which will happen within the next 12months.

When the PS3 came out I really expected the opposite to the PS2/Xbox debate.

The PS2 was out at least a year before the Xbox so had advantage in that it had a higher market base and people wanted it because of that, but the Xbox managed to get really good sales (especially considering it was a market breaker) from having a few amazing exclusive games and being the more powerful console (making PS2 versions of multia format games look bad).

The PS3 though so far has had nothing spectacular and isn`t making mutli format games look any better.

I really think Sony need to make some kind of deal for christmas (a massive price cut, will obviously make it look s***e), but the brand loyalty that people had for PS2 against PS3 is very rapidily fading away between the general public from what I`ve seen.

All my mates were always saying that they weren`t getting a 360 because they were waiting for a PS3. But after the hype there hasn`t been anything and they haven`t been mentioned since release, a few have actually bought 360`s!!!

My DVD collection

RE: So...what`s this new PS3 thingy like then?

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st October 2007, 17:03

While we are on the subject, the 360`s HD add on..... after thought or typical marketing ploy £££££££££££££££££?


"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable."
- Christopher Reeve (1953-2004)

RE: So...what`s this new PS3 thingy like then?

Ivan Dobsky (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st October 2007, 17:32

I see there`s a £30 Media Centre add-on for the Wii coming out but I understand you`re limited to comicy games with that...

OK, I`ll have to respond to that.
If all you`re after is sports sims, then yes you have a point. The Wii doesn`t have many yet (especially racing).
If, however, you`re looking to shoot people and blow stuff up, then there are more options - and I certainly wouldn`t think of Resident Evil or Metroid Prime (got this on pre-order and I can`t wait for the end of the week!) - to name two stand-outs - as `comicy`.
Anyway, when I think of games such as Eledees (absolutely brilliant), Super Mario Galaxy (looks amazing), Wario Ware, or even Sonic - I only see great gameplay, not "Oh, they`re a bit `comicy`..."

RE: So...what`s this new PS3 thingy like then?

julianf (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st October 2007, 22:52

Thanks for the replies guys. Sorry Ivan, was unsure how to really phrase that one but thanks for pointing out some games along my lines.

Hmmm... I`m guessing they`ll be some decent xmas 360 bundles out soon too :D


RE: So...what`s this new PS3 thingy like then?

robjphat (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 22nd October 2007, 12:56

If you like social games and regularly have people round then the wii is a great console. it has some great titles, like those mentioned previously, however, as hard as i have tried to defend it, just go to any gamestore and you will see there are way more childish games based on kids franchises than decent titles at the moment (spongebob, tamogotchi, etc). also, if you are excited about big action titles such as assassins creed/resident evil 5/metal gear/GTA4 then dont expect to see these titles on the wii (or if they do, expect cut down versions). This is not me being `anti Wii` as i am a proud owner of one, i am just pointing out the shortfalls.

however, this thread is a ps3 thread and so onto my opinion on that, which is that at this moment in time i feel the PS3 is a case of `jack of all trades and master of none`. the sixaxis controller is a poor attempt at copying the wii and it isnt half as enjoyable to use as that. the blu ray is yet another Sony attempt at launching a new format at us (remember the UMD?) and i`m not going anywhere near a blu ray disc until they bother putting better features than dvd on them. as a PVR it wont be as good as Sky+ and the add on will be more than those freeview pvr`s that you can get for about £100.

as for the games, well they are typical examples of all hype/ graphics yet little substance. Heavenly Sword was tipped as being the first `killer app` for the ps3 but it just turned out to be a generic beat up em with huge production values. Ratchet and Clank? i couldnt care less about this bland double act, and Lair is just last generation gameplay with better graphics. Most of the other noteworthy games are available on the 360 plus on that format you get the likes halo, forza, project gotham racing, dead rising, gears of war, etc.

I think the real testing period will be the next six months as, by this time, the ps3 should be producing games that look better than the 360 (well, it is touted as being more powerful, so it is about time they showed that off) and if they play as well as they look then i might be taking back my last comments. there is also the exclusive release of Metal Gear 4 which could be interesting and could tip the balance.

This item was edited on Monday, 22nd October 2007, 13:59

RE: So...what`s this new PS3 thingy like then?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 22nd October 2007, 13:10

Agree about the Wii robjphat. Have got one myself, but there aren`t enough top titles to justify a purchase in my opinion, especially not a single player console. And no matter what anyone says, it is way more kiddified than any of the other consoles.

Giggity giggity!
DVD Reviewer News Hound

RE: So...what`s this new PS3 thingy like then?

miikeyblue82 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 22nd October 2007, 13:22

I was holding out for a ps3. Couldn`t justify it in the end though. Horrifically overpriced for something with so few games that I would get bored with it in just a few weeks. I bought a 360 in the end (all be it at a car boot sale - and shockingly, it worked too!), and I`m glad. There`s loads of games, and you can pick up pre-owned ones cheap enough too. I had a lot of brand loyalty to sony, having had my trusty ps2 since release day many, many moons ago, but right now, I don`t think I`d go back. I still play the ps2, but doubt I would if I didn`t have the trusty `swap magic` discs... I can`t see me upgrading it anytime soon.

RE: So...what`s this new PS3 thingy like then?

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 22nd October 2007, 14:03

Should really add my views as one of the few PS3 owners on here! :D:D

I was fairly lucky in that I only paid £125 for my PS3 with 3 games & an additional controller (thanks to Virgin Atlantic air miles ;))

Having never owned an Xbox, but having a PSOne, PS2 & PSP it seemed the obvious the lack of HDMI & integral HD-DVD on the Xbox360 (this was before the Elite came out, and I couldn`t wait) really bugged me for some reason.

I picked up Blue Planet on Blu-Ray (from the US) as well as a few more games and so far I`ve been pretty impressed. The HD video displayed on my LCD TV is very very impressive.
What I like most about it, is the ability to convert HD content from my PC and put it on the PS3`s hard drive - Batman Begins in 1080p looks phenomenal!
So as a cheap (for me anyway :D) HD player the PS3 is great.

As for the gaming...its true that there are very few (if any ??) exclusive titles for the PS3, but that never bothered me because I`m not a massive games player (ie probably under 15 hours a week) - so the ones that are available are probably enough for me. And the ones that are available are ones that I`m enjoying very much (Warhawk, Fight Night Round 3, Resistance Fall Of Man, Motorstorm etc.)
So I`m not one of those PS3 owners getting frustrated by the `lack of games`.

I also have Fifa 08, Call Of Duty 4 & Clive Barker`s Jericho on order (from the US, bit cheaper and a mate`s bringing them back) - so I`ll have plenty to keep me occupied for a while longer.

What will be very interesting (as time goes on) - will be what happens with how the game creators handle the disc space issue. Is 8.4Gb (IIRC dual layered DVD) enough for a game and any HD footage to go with it? Or do you really need Blu-Ray/HD-DVD?
Or perhaps its all stuff we don`t really need, but the game creators are including to show off? :D

I`m still interested in getting an Xbox 360...but mainly because I`m a gadget freak who likes to own lots of stuff...but right now I`m fairly happy with my PS3.
Will be even happier when GTA 4 eventually comes out!!! :D:D:D
Spent an age playing & enjoying GTA San Andreas and hopefully this one will be even better.

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