Page 1 of Pro Evo 3, sorry to say this but..

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Pro Evo 3, sorry to say this but..

JtR (Competent) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2003, 15:20

Ive played Fifa 2004 (Xbox Version) & thought it was ok, then I played Pro Evo 3 (PC Version) & thought WOW !! so I have slaughtered it to death, however, last night I put on the Fifa again & played it for an hour or so & have got to say, I think it actually is better than Pro Evo 3

Another can of worms opened :) At least I can truly comment as Ive played both to death already, roll on 2005 :)

RE: Pro Evo 3, sorry to say this but..

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2003, 15:27

But you`ve played Pro Evo 3 on the PC, which doesn`t run half as well as the PS2 version. Not only that but Pro Evo 3 is such a great multiplayer game (2 on 2 is brilliant) which is something I doubt you have done, right?

How can you have slaughtered it to death? Slaughtering it to death is playing a game of this genre for about 40 hours or more in my opinion. I have also played both games a great deal, and though FIFA is good it just doesn`t match up to PES3.

There is not one single games review of FIFA 2004 that doesn`t comment on how it just isn`t as good as Pro Evo 3; FACT!

"The Internet is a communication device that allows people the world over to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

RE: Pro Evo 3, sorry to say this but..

Kenny_Marshall (Competent) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2003, 15:54

I have to agree, pro evo 3 is king! Looks like we have opened a new pro evo vs fifa discussion! :)

RE: Pro Evo 3, sorry to say this but..

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2003, 16:59

lol! Don`t you mean "pro evo vs fifa argument"? :D

"The Internet is a communication device that allows people the world over to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

Moving Proximus (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2003, 22:26

Lee31 I have also played FIFA 2004 and Pro Evolution 3 on the PS2.

I have to say that FIFA is the better game and someone on the Forum believes that the PS2 version of Pro Evolution is better than the PC wonder who that could be...
Just show`s you they will delude themselves so much they actually believe their own lies lol catch a grip.

REAL NAMES, REAL STADIUMS, LOADS OF REAL CLUB TEAMS, SIGN PLAYERS, Wider rangers of shooting and curling of the ball than i`ve ever seen

Pro Evo`s graphics are a thing of beauty and it runs nicely i just plain and simply prefer FIFA by a country mile

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

Kenny_Marshall (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 9th December 2003, 09:08

wonder who that could be...

the last thread was closed because of petty little digs like this, lets keep this purely a discussion about the games.

Pro Evo 3 is still a better game! ;)

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 9th December 2003, 09:20

Well said that man. :D

Just show`s you they will delude themselves so much they actually believe their own lies lol catch a grip.
Fact is, you have to accept other people have opinions, you discredit your own if you don`t allow for other people to say what they feel.

The problem with Fifa is that every year people are dragged in by the same thing: "Oh look at the pretty graphics, official licensing and nice looking menus!", seemingly forgetting that there has to be gameplay as well. I`m also pretty sure there are at least 50% more animations in PES3 than Fifa 2004, I`ve played it for hours and even now I see players do new things.

I think while the Fifa games are developed by Canadians that it`ll never be as good as PES3. EA, give the game to an English software house to work on! Also, I know for a fact that Lee31 thought Fifa 2004 was s*** about three weeks ago, and has now had a complete reversal, which is odd. :/ :p

Anyway, I`m not going to keep arguing which is best as it`s getting overly repetitive and childish, and people aren`t going to change their minds anyway, no matter what anyone says. :D

"The Internet is a communication device that allows people the world over to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

evilash (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 9th December 2003, 09:43

have to say from my own personal experience that i really loved pro evo 2 and bought 3 on the strength of people prasing it to death... however i feel that 3 isnt up to scratch at all graphically. it hasnt moved on a whole lot and my copy glitches (jerks) an awful lot. halo is umpteen times bigger area and graphics wise and doesnt jerk even a fraction as much. i feel the only reason that pro evo 3 sits at the top of the footballing tree is that all the other are complete lameass attempts... fifa are slowly getting there but i do emphasise SLOWLY. i figure they have gone as far as they can with pro evo on ps2 and need to branch out onto xbox which i believe they will with the next version... failing that they are gonna end up like the fifa series....

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 9th December 2003, 11:57

But is yours the PC version? If not, is it a PS2 backup copy of the original? My PS2 copy of the game does not have a single glitch, though the PC version doesn`t run brilliantly.

"The Internet is a communication device that allows people the world over to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

Deano! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th December 2003, 14:06

I`ve got the PS2 version of Pro Evo 3 and there`s no glitches in it.

It`s miles better than FIFA, the only thing FIFA beats Pro Evo on is the fact it`s got a licence to use real names, etc. Other than that the playability is miles better on Pro Evo. I didn`t think they could make much of an improvement over Part:2, but they have, it`s a fantastic game..... I play it all the time (single and multiplayer). It`s the BEST footie game no question!


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