Info and forum posts by 'Moving Proximus'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 4th December 2003, 17:51, Last used: Thursday, 4th December 2003, 17:51

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 21 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!


I`ve had my nuts more times than you`ve had hot dinners

I`m a legend compared to you bufty boy and your geeks

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

Anyways degenerates i`m off on holiday today.

It was nice laughing at you we`ll do it again sometime i`m sure.
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This item was edited on Thursday, 11th December 2003, 16:32

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

Hey you still about Irondyke you queerhawk

Which one of these degenerates are you shagging right now???

Your maws had more pricks in her than a second hand dartboard. If my bulldog had a face like yours fan*yman i`d cut it`s tail off and teach it to walk backwards ;-)

P.S I don`t have a sister so you f***ed up there fan*ybawz

P.P.S You`re Da`s got tits and your whore of a mother loves them

As for owning anybody, the only thing you`ll ever own is the smallest pecker in the world so @ least be proud of that ;-)

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

-----> . <------

Is that the size of your dobber sj ???

Should be proud that`s about twice the size of Ben Franklin`s Ironduke was telling me :-)

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

I`m about as serious as your maw is a slapper......................

P.S i`ve never seen a pair of shoes that had right and left written inside them altho you seem to be familar with them so i`m thinking hmmmm, maybe you``re the degenerate here.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 10th December 2003, 22:34

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

I just had to find out if these ppl were for real and after some debating it has become very clear to me that these ppl are not "normal" are they?

P.S Ben Franklin pull your c*ck out of irondukes ass please it`s sad

This item was edited on Wednesday, 10th December 2003, 22:40

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

I`m glad you find this amusing Chewie :-)

I put this down to the antics of the 3 Rocketeers tho, Ben Franklin, Irondyke sorry DUKE!!! and Peterh all dobbers in their own right.

I 2 found this funny when i stumbled upon this forum and when i read the views of the 3 Rocketeers i couldn`t just sit there and say nothing

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

"and for the rest of your bullsh*t proximus can I just say you are a C*nt"

Hey big boy ironduke you truley are a manly man i`m so sorry i offended you big man no truley i`m sorry :-)

P.S yer maws got a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp ;-)

FIFA 2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time get it right up yah!!! Irondukes a F*G!!

So you think being 20 that i am young?

How old are all of you then? 12!

As for being at university that means that i aint stupid obviously i have a high intellect.

As for bitching about movies Ben you F*G it doesn`t matter movies console games you`re still bitching just on a different subject you fool what a tos*er you truley are fan*yman

Ironduke is a dyke stop changing the headings to fifa pinball try keeping it at the facts

RE: Just been confirmed... FIFA Pinball 2005

Ben have you got a split personality or something?

one minute you`re acting all intelligent and like mother superior then the next you are having cheap digs at ppl get a grip you tosser

"The Internet is a communication device that allows people the world over to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

Excuse me but does that not say "bitch" about movies what are we doing here having tea

Away you tae the shops ya bawbag

RE: Just been confirmed... FIFA Pinball 2005

Get off your high horse Peteh you toss pot you`re just one of the 3 bummeteers

Ironduke, ben Franklin and You Peteh :-(

The fact i`m at university devalues your opinion already and i have been posting what i think of the 2 games it`s you and you`re 2 rent boys that are always talking the mince so for once peteh get some balls and tell us all what you like and dislike about the best selling football game of all time!!!???!!!

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

Besides Ironduke is a Dyke according to someone on the forum and since they seem to be talking sense on other matters i think i`d be inclined to listen to him.

P.S Nobody pays atention to adverts anymore they tend to think for themselves these days ;-)

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

I fear for your ass if you keep bumming ironduke :-)

You`ll end up HIV positive

This item was edited on Wednesday, 10th December 2003, 17:00

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

What`s all this Pinball nonsense all about haven`t you ever been to a real football match???

Football isn`t so easy that you can just beat players willy nilly you need to carve out openings and if this means so called "pinball" as described by some plonkers who know nothing about football then so be it you have to keep possession so the other team can`t attack and you stay in control of the game Tempo, Not just running around players with guys like Ashley Cole doing skills that Frances Zidane would struggle to pull off just doesn`t happen that way.

So enough of this Pinball talk please it`s just NON-SENSE :-( Anyone that goes to the games know that when a team has possession the thing to do is KEEP IT and if this means a lot of passing waiting for openings then so be it

P.S Ashley Cole is the Worst player on the planet makes Tony Vidmar look like Ronaldo :-)

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

As if the Advertising really matters. People buy games after reading reviews and magazines well real gamers do so the fact that fifa 2004 is the biggest selling football game in history means there is more than enough hardcore gamers buying the title.

I remember after playing FIFA 2002 World cup version where certain players had special attributes i thought this is brilliant. When FIFA 2003 came out it was just amazing so realistic compared to 2002 which was still a gr8 game for the playability remember ppl it`s all about the ENJOYMENT factor. I couldn`t wait for FIFA 2004 to come out before i`d even heard about it i just thought WOW if they can improve on FIFA 2003 then that`s gonna take something special and they have. :-)

You can now build your own world beating team and play in official leagues which is the whole point emulating your favourite players and going your favourite team. :-)

P.S me and all my friends agree that Pro Evolution 2 was PISH!!! no a patch on FIFA 2003 and Pro Evolution 3 altho better than Pro Evolution 2 just doesn`t have the "X" factor that makes you think What a S*** HOT game!!! :-)

RE: FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

FIFA 2004 is all about running off the ball getting into good positions to get a chance of scoring. In real football as Rossco says it aint a piece of cake to beat players in fact it`s extremely hard to beat a fellow professional who is at their physical peak never mind get close to the goal in real football you get charged down if you are anywhere near the 18 yard box which i don`t like about pro evo as i tind it too easy.

Once again i reinstate my points
3.YOU CAN SIGN PLAYERS!!! and bring teams from 3rd division to premier league and create a World beating team
4.FIFA 2004 IS the biggest selling football game of all time so you can`t tell me they are all idiots.

Pro Evo is a nice game has gr8 graphics and runs smoothly in fact i think it looks better than FIFA 2004 it`s just not realistic. It`s an old World Cup arcade game with limited shooting options and you can beat 8 players at a time :-) Just doesn`t happen that way in REALITY
P.S what`s all that number 8 passes to number 2 all about after 1 week i had to take it back!
Geez maybe we should change this forum to "All Pro Evo fans gather here and slate FIFA 2004"

Everyone is intitled to their opinion i have stated my likes and dislikes why don`t you then maybe i will respect your views more.

FIFA2004 is the biggest selling football game of all time FACT!

Lee31 I have also played FIFA 2004 and Pro Evolution 3 on the PS2.

I have to say that FIFA is the better game and someone on the Forum believes that the PS2 version of Pro Evolution is better than the PC wonder who that could be...
Just show`s you they will delude themselves so much they actually believe their own lies lol catch a grip.

REAL NAMES, REAL STADIUMS, LOADS OF REAL CLUB TEAMS, SIGN PLAYERS, Wider rangers of shooting and curling of the ball than i`ve ever seen

Pro Evo`s graphics are a thing of beauty and it runs nicely i just plain and simply prefer FIFA by a country mile