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Gaming and Consoles Forum

Fire Emblem - contender for best GBA game

Wad (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th November 2003, 00:57

Picked up Fire Emblem last week for the GBA, struggling to put it down. Made by the folks who did Advance Wars, its a cross between that and the Final Fantasy Tactics / Tactics Ogre type of game.

Presentaton is excellent, and its very much a pick up and play type of game. Much more accessable that FFT and TO, I`d say its one of the GBAs finest moments if you like this sort of this. Can`t recommend it highly enough.

This item was edited on Sunday, 16th November 2003, 00:57

RE: Fire Emblem - contender for best GBA game

elephant (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 30th December 2003, 18:40

Thought I should reply to this as u were clearly the only person who`d tried this back in Novemmber time...:).I`ve finally tried it and it does have excellent prospects.It could have been a sequel to Advance Wars.It looks and plays very much like it but with individual characters instead of military units.This is better in some ways as it makes the little characters seem more realistic.The in game graphics are fairly ropey though with the characters and scenery looking like a NES game but the cut scenes and presentation are ace.The game doesn`t seem to have the wealth of options that Advance Wars did and I don`t know how big a game it is.....have u finished it yet Wad?
Certainly for those who have Advance Wars and don`t want to get Advance Wars 2 as it`s virtually identical,this might be an alternative.This type of game really suits the gameboy`s capabilites and hopefully there`ll be more of this type (maybe WW2 based or something?).

RE: Fire Emblem - contender for best GBA game

Wad (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th December 2003, 20:55

Cheers elephant, thought I was billy no mates here.

I got to what I think is the last level, but its seemingly impossible. Wont say too much as I don`t want to spoil it. 30 hours plus of gameplay I reckon, maybe more. The story is pretty good throughout, holds it all together. Main difference over Advance Wars is that you start to care about most of the characters, if one goes down in battle you`ll play that level again.

I think there are a fair few side quests that need to be unearthed, only managed a few. Great game, a lot more fun to play that Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre.

RE: Fire Emblem - contender for best GBA game

elephant (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th January 2004, 19:50

I`m onto chapter 11 now and so far it`s been fairly easy but very good.How many chapters are there in total?
This type of game would have made a tremendous Lord of the Rings Trilogy game,following the group through loads of varied levels from the books and films.
The game is definitely easier to get into than the likes of Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy Tactics.
Bring on more like it......

RE: Fire Emblem - contender for best GBA game

Wad (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 21:34

I think theres 31 or 32 main levels, can`t remember for certain. I got stuck on what I think is the last level, couldn`t get anywhere with it. Theres also a number of side quests you can take that are triggered by certain events. I think I got to do 3 or 4 of these also, but I believe there are a few more.

I`ve got Onimusha Tactics on its way, will let you know how it compares.

RE: Fire Emblem - contender for best GBA game

elephant (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 11th January 2004, 01:19

On level 15 now and it`s getting harder..... >:(
Ah.....tried Onimusha seemed fairly poor at the start.It may improve.I shall try to get into Ogre Tactics or Final Fantasy Tactics next on the Gameboy Advance.There`e also some similar ones on th PS2........maybe the ultimate being Disgaea-Hour of Darkness which seems incredibly complex.Gladius also has possibilities.

RE: Fire Emblem - contender for best GBA game

elephant (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th January 2004, 23:55

Hi there,Just started Final Fantasy Tactics on the Gameboy.Apparently it has 300 levels so it should last all year.I`ll let u know what it`s like.......

RE: Fire Emblem - contender for best GBA game

Wad (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th January 2004, 09:49

Let me know what you think of FFT, it didn`t do much for me but I may go back to it.
Quite enjoying Onimusha by the way, again simpler to play than FFT and the story isn`t as confusing as Tactics Ogre.

RE: Fire Emblem - contender for best GBA game

elephant (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 17:00

Level 17.......the one with the pirate ship... is a right swine.If any character gets injured the enemies pounce witht about 6 separate attacks and wipe him out.The flying Pegasus woman gets killed with one hit from an archer too........bah....It`s turned into a bit of a puzzle wrongly placed piece and it`s curtains.
Just being trying Balders Gate and it`s quite a faithful recreation of it`s bigger console versions.Mario and Luigi looks good too.

RE: Fire Emblem - contender for best GBA game

Wad (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th January 2004, 23:28

Stick with the Pegasus woman, she is really useful and gets quite powerful. Sexy too in a sad for fancying a computer game character sort of way.

I`ve played Mario and Luigi quite a lot, found it a bit tiresome to be honest. Its had great reviews though so some folk love it.

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