Bowf(Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 31st December 2002, 09:27
How do I fill my widescreen with a gamecube ? It doesn`t seem to have the screen options that a PS2 and an X-box have and I`m left with black bars down either side.
RE: Widescreen picture using Gamecube
Paddy(Competent) posted this on Thursday, 2nd January 2003, 21:45
should that not be in the game setup option?
RE: Widescreen picture using Gamecube
neal 73(Elite) posted this on Sunday, 5th January 2003, 11:25
Remember that not all games support widescreen, but more and more of them do so.
Ones that loook particularly good are Burnout, Eternal Darkness and Minority Report (£20 from GAME)