Page 1 of Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Gaming and Consoles Forum

Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th December 2002, 19:32

This game is SUPERB!

Its the first time for a very long while that i have been excited about a game, i have played it for about 40mins so far and this is my impressions....

The game runs in Progressive Scan mode and has the most impressive graphics i have ever seen.....the game looks like FMV running and is the stuff you used to dream about a few years ago.

Everything is well animated from the waves on the sea, the Seagulls flying around and the grass and flowers blowing about in the wind. You start off in your home town with a few people going about their business, some quite comical like a little kid chasing you about with mucas running from his nose.

Link himself is greatly animated.....he looks around at people and objects, gets annoyed, and shows all sorts of other emotions.

The music is sparkling....very clear with lots of sounds going on, when you get into a fight the battle music blends into the game music and changes if you are winning a fight with each blow connecting or missing.

I have a small English walkthrough for this game which i will use if i get really stuck but i have not had any problems so far.

I think it is time to say goodbye to my PS2 and XBox for a while....i can see myself playing this game well into the new year.

Hopefully this will sell the GC when it come`s out here next March.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 18th December 2002, 21:01

RE: Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

sj (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th December 2002, 20:37

Cheers for your impressions Skirpy, hope you`re right on your last point.
Don`t you think this is one of the ultimate games where screenshots don`t even come close to showing how amazing the game looks and plays?
Oh the doubters when it was first unveiled....


RE: Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th December 2002, 21:21

Hello sj, i was a bit disapointed when Nintendo changed to a Cel Shaded Zelda after seeing the original Trailer when the GC was launched, but like everybody else who now ownes it, all Nintendo have done is refine it.

The screenshots look nice but dont give any idea of the amount of animation in the game....the quality is as good as the lastest animations from Disney.

I have loads of games for all consoles, but today i could`nt wait until i had finished work to try out this game.....

I had high expectations of this game and i can honestly say the game has far exceeded them unlike other games of late.

RE: Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th December 2002, 23:09

besides, zelda isnt cel-shaded! cel-shaded graphics are flat and 2-D. just another excuse to slag off nintendo!!!

RE: Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 08:53

Can`t wait for this puppy - did your copy of the game come with the bonus Ura Zelda disk?

RE: Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 15:13

I did,nt go for the Bonus disc.....they were asking too much, selling it seperately for £59.

RE: Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 15:17

I thought it was free... this is from the CVG website:

Tuesday 17th December 2002

The Ocarina of Time pre-order spectacular begins next February

12:09 Phew! For a minute there we thought we were going to have to pay for the bloody thing! While Japanese gamers and wily importers shudder with priapic delight at their recently-acquired bonus disc of joy, Western gamers have been left in limbo, wondering if a similar scheme would be adopted in other territories.
Despite concerns that translation of the Ura Zelda Ocarina of Time add-on would result in a horrible handing-over-money-for-Japanese-freebie situation, Nintendo of America has allayed fears by confirming a similar approach is to be adopted in the US early next year.

US gamers who pre-order The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker from February 16, 2003, will receive a free disc containing N64 classic Ocarina of Time plus Ocarina of Time Master Quest - the Westernised Ura Zelda.

Awesome news whichever way you look at it. And we`ve tried all angles. And although no announcement has been made for Europe, this bodes very well indeed. Zelda ships in the US on March 24 next year. You know what you have to do.

RE: Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

The lronduke (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 15:20

You lame gay-mers with yer lil` boys toys!!!!

RE: Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 16:42

ooooh it`s Ironduke the sarcastic, childish (and friendless?) videogamer... you must be a devil with the ladies? ;-)

This item was edited on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 16:43

RE: Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 17:22

Yes, the bonus disc should be free but because of people wanting to import it, some import retailers are cashing in on the bonus disc and selling it seperately.

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