Page 1 of how to make a VCD

DVDs & Films Forum

how to make a VCD

chris1000 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 12:45

Hi can anyone help, i have downloaded a music video off of the web, the file extension is mpeg how can i get this to play on my DVD player, it plays VCD`s so can anyone help

RE: how to make a VCD

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 12:55

very easy -

use nero and choose VCD as your new project...then just drop the file into the project and burn..

RE: how to make a VCD

chris1000 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 14:05

Thanks i will have to get a copy of Nero is there a certain edition i need

RE: how to make a VCD

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 15:32

I use Nero but if you want a free program and the ability to make chapters on big mpegs then use VCD Easy.

For your mpeg to play properly on a DVD player it needs to conform to a set standard, look below

If it does not you will need to re-convert it. Use the free program below and you can convert mpeg, avi, and mov files to play on your DVD player.

What DVD player do you have?

RE: how to make a VCD

chris1000 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 15:52

only a cheap one a Pacific 750

RE: how to make a VCD

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 31st May 2002, 18:56

My mates got the same player. Plays all the VCD`s I make for him.

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