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DVDs & Films Forum

Groundhog Day - Collector`s Edition

Kevin Luff (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 11:28

The R2 Groundhog Day - Collector`s Edition is available for £9.99 on you may all know this already but it is quite a saving and a good film to boot. A question to anyone who has bought it, what is the documenty like in terms of length and quality and the same applies for the commentry track on there as well. Cheers.

RE: Groundhog Day - Collector`s Edition

johnmorris316 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 14:59

A warning - the soundtrack is DD 2.0 and NOT DD 5.1 as quoted on most DVD retailer websites and press releases

RE: Groundhog Day - Collector`s Edition

Kevin Luff (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 18:16

Well I am not sure it would really benefit from a DD 5.1 track as it is only a comedy and mainly spoken word. Still for a tenner I am not complaining.... yet :)

RE: Groundhog Day - Collector`s Edition

Mintguy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 19:17

The commentary is reasonable but not exciting. It`s Harold Ramis on his own. He sometimes doesn`t speak for whjat seems like a minute or two.

The "featurette"is also not particularly special. There`s a few brief clips from the making of the film. Brief interviews with the original script writer, Harold Ramis, and the guy that plays Ned Ryerson.A very brief bit from Andie MacDowell but no Bill Murray.

Both the commentary and the "featurette" mention that the original script had Phil Conners narating the story and began when the repettition had already been going on for some time. Apparently in the original script. Phil Conners was meant to have relived the same day for 10,000 years.

The only other extra is a trailer. It`s better than having the movie without any extra features, but it could have been a lot better.

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