Page 1 of where`s the best place for xxxx dvds (for a m8 of course}

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where`s the best place for xxxx dvds (for a m8 of course}

madman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 15th February 2002, 23:51

sick of waiting 3 - 4 weeks for them does anyone know where i can get them cheep & fast they r 4 my m8 honest!!!

RE: where`s the best place for xxxx dvds (for a m8 of course}

Johnboy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 16th February 2002, 09:05

I`m normally happy with triple-x movies, but four-x????
You are hardcore man.

Unless you`re talkin about the lager??
Anyhow, can`t answer that i`m afraid - still waiting on a couple from adult dvdboxoffice, been a few weeks now.

RE: where`s the best place for xxxx dvds (for a m8 of course}

xxxman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 16th February 2002, 11:48
good specials page on home page.
free delivery
definitely xxxxx

RE: where`s the best place for xxxx dvds (for a m8 of course}

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 16th February 2002, 12:03

Is it legal to import these kind of films?

I always got the impression that porn wasn`t allowed. Not that I`d want to order any of that disgusting filth you understand ....ahem.........damn, what`s happening to my nose!!!

RE: where`s the best place for xxxx dvds (for a m8 of course}

Johnboy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 16th February 2002, 13:33

Not sure about the legality of importing them but personally as long as they keep dropping through my letterbox, I`m gonna keep ordering.

I`m pretty sure that it`s okay to import it as long as you ain`t ordering stuff like necrophilia and bestiality and other illegal acts, but who the hell cares anyway, like I said if they keep coming (no pun intended) through my letterbox, then I`ll keep ordering them.

Sorry, I meant my friend will keep ordering them.
For himself.

RE: where`s the best place for xxxx dvds (for a m8 of course}

Neon (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 16th February 2002, 19:25

Cheap and fast are probably mutually exclusive, however have a price search, so you could shop around.

RE: where`s the best place for xxxx dvds (for a m8 of course}

madman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 16th February 2002, 22:02

cheers folks keep em coming (no pun intended)

RE: where`s the best place for xxxx dvds (for a m8 of course}

Formatron (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 17th February 2002, 20:20

Tell your m8;-), 2 check out,, and download them on vcd you need a cd-w if you want to play them on your/m8s dvd player

Thats where i get them from,
(4 a m8 as well)

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