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DVDs & Films Forum

Evil Dead: Book of the Dead

ebony.branch (Elite) posted this on Monday, 4th February 2002, 19:22

Anyone know for certain what the score is regarding the inclusion of "Within the Woods" in this package? I`ve read various rumours about it only being available in region 2, etc. but I`ve noticed that all the sites now listing it (whatever regeion) no longer mention "Within the Woods".

One preview I read in December said that this short would only be available in the Limited Edition version.

RE: Evil Dead: Book of the Dead

cjrushbrook (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2002, 09:12

Sad to say, but `Within The Woods` has disappered from both the R1 & R2 versions of the upcoming Book Of The Dead, so you can`t get it either way.

As far as I have heard this is official, but if anyone knows something I don`t, please let me know (I would love to hear that it was all a big prank and that we will get to see it!).

RE: Evil Dead: Book of the Dead

Kain^ (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 6th February 2002, 04:20

"Within The Woods" is no more because somone who was involved with the film and not the DVD didn`t want it to be so...

No one knows for sure who it is but few people say it`s Sam some say it`s Bruce but, no one knows and will never know.

that all i have to say, i`ve a devoted fan to the Evil Dead Trilogy and awaited Within The Woods from the first time i hear it existed but i`m araid i`ll have t keep searchin for a low-quality bootleg to satisfy my hunger.

"Hail To The King"


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