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DVDs & Films Forum

Your dvd collection, how many, what are they, got a pic?

DrDooMBrain (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 22nd September 2007, 13:24


Just wondering if anyone has large good collection of dvds out there for a website im getting together... a list would be good and a picture...

the website is

i have my collection of dvds on there also ..


RE: Your dvd collection, how many, what are they, got a pic?

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 22nd September 2007, 17:37

Got around 7000 last count, they r all over the place tbh, got some collectors edition on top of the overbed unit, some on wall in living room, most in loft and at mates lol as her indoors wont have any more.Pics could prob get a couple of ones around now, lot of stuff I have is Old TV shows which im a huge fan of and some collectors edition like Sony I Robot head, Dances with Wolves Korean version with leather book thingie ;), Matrix and Casino Royal Briefcase Editions, Star Trek original Series, mainly though I would say old UK Comedy Shows, got every episode of Fools and Horses, Minder, Rab C, Still Game, Porridge, On the Buses, Love thy Neighbour etc, as for complete list, I gave up after I believe about 30 pages as I couldnt really keep up.

RE: Your dvd collection, how many, what are they, got a pic?

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 22nd September 2007, 17:54

See the link in my signature for my collection. I have them stored in DJ cases as there isn`t enough room to keep them on shelves.

Site reviewer, DVD Reviewer

My Top 20 Horror Movies ---- My DVD Collection
Is it Giro day?

RE: Your dvd collection, how many, what are they, got a pic?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 22nd September 2007, 18:24

Quite a sensible amount really. Don`t like to buy just anything, only stuff I`ll rewatch and `classics`. Not counted, but my collection must come in at around 500+ at least I guess. Got about 10 or so HD DVDs also. I`ve got a large wall shelf that I keep most on, and the rest are over a couple of other shelfs and stacked up on the floor!

Used to buy much more than I do, be lucky if I buy more than 3 or 4 a month now!

Giggity giggity!
DVD Reviewer News Hound

RE: Your dvd collection, how many, what are they, got a pic?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 22nd September 2007, 18:29

Just checked out your Top 20 horror movies David - some interesting choices. No Nightmare on Elm Street or The Thing? I see Don`t Look Now features highly - I watched it for the first time recently when I bought the DVD, and really didn`t like it that much. The sex scene however, was very good. :p

Giggity giggity!
DVD Reviewer News Hound

RE: Your dvd collection, how many, what are they, got a pic?

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 23rd September 2007, 00:36

some interesting choices. No Nightmare on Elm Street

Never quite understood why so many people rate Nightmare on Elm Street so highly as a horror film.
I`ve always found Freddy Krueger about as scary as Keith Chegwin with a flick-knife and a bottle of Buckfast.

Granted, it`s not as bad as the excruciatingly pointless sequels were, but that`s kind of like saying..
"It doesn`t smell as bad as freshly laid human sh*t does in a confined space on a hot sunny day with no ventilation"

Sorry, I just don`t get it

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This item was edited on Sunday, 23rd September 2007, 02:02

RE: Your dvd collection, how many, what are they, got a pic?

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 23rd September 2007, 07:54

Never quite understood why so many people rate Nightmare on Elm Street so highly as a horror film.

Well, I`ve never understood why so many people rate Horror as a genre so highly, but that`s just me...


Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn...

And those who dance will spin and turn,
And those who wait will wait no more,
And those who talk will hear the words,
And those who see will fade and die,
And those who laugh will surely fall,
And those who know will always feel their backs against the thin wall...

RE: Your dvd collection, how many, what are they, got a pic?

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 23rd September 2007, 10:36

Well, I`ve never understood why so many people rate Horror as a genre so highly, but that`s just me...

Probably because it`s very difficult to pull off correctly, despite the many approaches and sub-divisions and the freedom of the artistic licence within the genre; there`s horror and there`s horror. But when they are done right, they make for some of the most thrilling movie-watching experiences out there. No film has had such a fundemental effect on my mind while watching as Blair Witch, or more recently, Session 9, which while not many people`s idea of a "horror film", ticked all the right boxes for me.

Couldn`t tell you how many I`ve got. I`ve got far too many boxsets, but I`ve been in the continuous process of selling off many of the discs I don`t need and have made a conscious effort to stop buying DVDs unless I`m weak-willed at that exact moment.

Probably in the 500+ region at the moment.


Site Reviewer


RE: Your dvd collection, how many, what are they, got a pic?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 23rd September 2007, 12:46

Well, I`ve never understood why so many people rate Horror as a genre so highly, but that`s just me...

Yeah, it definitely seems to be the genre that has a higher crap to good film ratio than any other. But most people think horror films are "slasher/gore fest" flicks, which is a bit sad in my opinion.

I`m of two minds, and neither particularly enjoys watching horror. For one, most are crap, predictable slasher films with no scares and zero depth... I can`t be arsed with them because they aren`t entertaining and a lot of the time you can tell the filmmakers had their cock in hand while coming up with all the ways to show death. The other part of me likes a good psychological horror, in that the film explores an area (such as Jacob`s Ladder explored madness/the psyche)... but I don`t particularly enjoy them because they`re not a comfortable viewing experience.

Alien is about the best example of the visceral horror experience, made obvious by the many clones that came after. But I don`t particularly enjoy watching films with a real sense of dread. I do, however, love watching Aliens, which replaced dread with tension.

Oh, and to be on topic, I have about 500 DVDs.

RE: Your dvd collection, how many, what are they, got a pic?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 23rd September 2007, 17:15

I wouldn`t class Aliens as horror, more like as Team America puts it, ,AMERICA F*** YEAH` sort of film, which those types of movies were quite popular back in the cold war 80s.

The only reason horror isn`t as good as it used to be, is because Hollywood tends to regurgitate the same slasher plot that was done infinitely better back in the late 70s/early 80s, and on a low budget.

From the 50s right through to the 80s, there were great original horror material, and also everyone looked forward to the next Hammer, Craven, Fulci, Cronenberg, Carpenter, Bava, Argento, to name but a few, and of course any movie that was based on a Stephen King novel.

But then the decline did start during the 90s, and originality was running dry, and even when Scream came out, and so called turned horror on it's head, that itself wasn't an original movie, as it was a direct rip off, to an old 80s horror spoof called Student Bodies, which was a critical response to the success and amount of slasher flicks that were being made back in the very early 80s.

I'm not particularly fond of the recent crop of horror, where it's basically a load of women being tortured and murdered, and to me that's not my idea of watching a good horror movie, but also the same could be said about watching a bunch of CGI robots, aliens, running around smashing the s*** out of each other, isn't my idea of a good science fiction movie.


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