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DVDs & Films Forum

region 1 vs region 2

cjx (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th November 2001, 20:17

Having just bought a multiregion dd5.1,dts dvd player I was just looking at,I want to buy my son (and me) the Emperor`s New Groove.The region 1 version says after the title that it is 5.1,dts plus in the aspect box that it is anamorphic ,the region 2 disc says nothing. Before I had a region 2 only player so I never compared discs before and there was no problem but now Its left me wondering if they didn`t bother informing region 2 buyers of these features or that unbelievably they havent put these features on at all.

RE: region 1 vs region 2

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th November 2001, 21:24

More often than not, region 1 has the better features/transfer/sound.
To compare discs of all regions, go to
They will tell u what is the best region for a certain disc.

RE: region 1 vs region 2

The_Urinator (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 1st December 2001, 16:37

Try this web site also for direct comaparisons, but as Dicanio said, region 1 usually has the options/quality. Region 2 users really get the s*** end of the stick..............

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