Page 1 of Region 0 question.
DVDs & Films Forum
Hi all,
Newbie question here. I know Region 1 is generally the prefered, but how about Region 0 DVDs? I`m seeing a huge number of films not yet cinema released in this country available on R0 DVDs. Are they any good? Should I be cautious of them or what?
Thanks alot.
It is likely that many of these will be pirated DVDs of questionable quality.
Not all region 0 DVDs are like this of course - there are many DVDs that are officially released as region 0 - most of the Criterion Collection for example.
But if it`s not in the cinema yet, or it`s only just arrived and you`re seeing it on an R0 DVD, chances are it`s a pirate which you should avoid.
Thought it might be something like that. Thanks.