Page 1 of Lip Sync Problems with Phantom Menace DVD

DVDs & Films Forum

Lip Sync Problems with Phantom Menace DVD

Wurzel (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 3rd November 2001, 22:57

On my menace dvd the audio does not appear to be synched to the video. I dont think its the fault of my dvd players because ive tried it on both my sony and my pc dvd players with the same problems. Im not sure whether its a problem with the dvd mastering or what but George says in the commentry that nearly all the audio had to be re-recorded because of stage noises etc. Does anybody know if this was apparent in the cinema or even the vhs versions of the film?

RE: Lip Sync Problems with Phantom Menace DVD

richfin (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 4th November 2001, 15:41

See older threads, where did you get your disc from and what region is it?

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