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DVDs & Films Forum

Last House On The Left

Kid Brunch (Competent) posted this on Friday, 1st June 2001, 12:33

Woohoo! I just received the full uncut Dutch version from

Can`t wait to watch it - anyone got/seen it already?

RE: Last House On The Left

diydestruction (Competent) posted this on Friday, 1st June 2001, 17:18

suppose to be really good (if you like that sort thing), im really into horrors, and cult stuff like that and have been wanting to buy last house on the left for ages, but couldnt find it anywhere for cheap... grrr

you`ve made me wanna go and buy it now... gr :)

RE: Last House On The Left

lawlesskfd (Competent) posted this on Friday, 1st June 2001, 17:49

got 2 of em m8,
i aint even watched it yet mines is a dutch version ,i ordered guts of a beauty from them and guts of a virgin from them so now all i do is wait you a horror fan then .


RE: Last House On The Left

diydestruction (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd June 2001, 00:17

horror movies are pretty much my favourite genre of film, apart from anything with robert de niro in.... lol...

ive pretty much got most of the "classic" or "cult" horror movies on tape, vcd and dvd. still waiting for some more money before i get all the dvd versions of my current tapes (obsessive i know..)

recently aquired cannibal holocaust and also cannibal ferox, both being stupid excuses for excessive animal cruelty...

but on a different note, "kids" was a fantastic film, the director should be given a medal, ive never grown to hate a character so much...

btw lawlessfd, where did you get last house on the left?

RE: Last House On The Left

lawlesskfd (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd June 2001, 01:41

hi diydestruction,
i got my last house on the left dvds from a local back street dvd supplier whom i have shopped at for the last year he actually does a good job of getting my rare cult movies in oh almost forgot dont know if its any use too you though i live in glasgow so maybe if you are in glasgow i can give you his address if not then you would be better trying to buy online m8 i have got schraam ordered hopefully should be in this week heres hoping ive got about 1,000 horror movies on tape so ime trying to get as much on dvd so i can get rid of them vhs
since more and more horrors are working there way into the uk i like ferox too and holocaust i have 2 of them each on dvd as with i spit on your grave i picked up tobe hoopers funhouse from dc-dvd for under £13 this week have you got zombie as i know this is hard to obtain now m8 anyway l8trz....

RE: Last House On The Left

diydestruction (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd June 2001, 10:15

damn, well im near london, so glasgow would be too far for me to go and get it (mhhh, i think)....

well, i can confirm that you have way more films than me, i dont even touch a 10% of it!

i actually saw Zombie (the Lucio F.. something) one on sale down in london not long ago, it was going for £3 in a secondhand shop... shame that i was skint... im gonna buy Suspiria today hopefully, i havent seen it in ages....

well, cya later.... (can`t wait for the nightmare on elm street box! lol!)

RE: Last House On The Left

lawlesskfd (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd June 2001, 12:20

hi diydestruction ,
afraid ime not into dario argento as much , though i have all his films on dvd , though i would say that suspiria is one of his better films,
so is the stendahl syndrome,as for freddy kruger , agh hate those films, have you got the limited halloween special edition , its ace m8,
if you want a really good horror i recommend ,(dellamorte dellamore) (aka cemetery man ) its excellent , also the dutch versions of horror i have are called red editions they are fully uncut so check em out if you can sexgoremutants , usually sell red editions , also check out zombie holocaust region 2 , and fulcis the beyond , they are all region 2 you can pick em up anywhere and fully uncut.
hope this was of some help too you l8trz m8.....

p.s. AVOID vipcos cannibal ferox , DONT BUY IT FULLY CUT .....

This item was edited on Saturday, 2nd June 2001, 12:21

RE: Last House On The Left

diydestruction (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd June 2001, 13:19

cool, i will check those films out, cannibal ferox and holocaust were both really sick films i thought, i bought them cause i was intrigued to see how "sick" they really were...

btw, have you seen a film called "men behind the sun"? i think its called that, but thats suppose to be pretty shocking as well... i think i have been desensitized to all sick things... nooooo

the nightmare series were cool for the cheese factor, its actually one horror i wouldnt mind watching with

and i think its horror month or something on film four if your have it!

i bought the evil dead 2 special edition tin, but not yet got the halloween one, will again look out for it.... ahhh, must stop buying dvds..!!

RE: Last House On The Left

fac63 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd June 2001, 14:05

`Someday a real rain will come and wipe this scum off the streets...`

RE: Last House On The Left

lawlesskfd (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd June 2001, 18:08

hi diydestruction,
i have men behind the sun on vhs, also try get a hold of the untold story (aka bunman) also a jap shock horror where the local neighbourhood thugs get made into A BUN lol and get sold to the local food chains , yep men behind the sun was pretty sick
but if you want to go full guts and gore , then definately get riki oh (the story of riki ) its one of my all time favourites and it really is a jap shock horror , ime sure you will like the bit where the fat guy strangles , riki with his own GUTS :-) and all the eye popping bits ,
ime surprised this horror ever got passed by any censorship fully uncut , its a must buy get it now m8 , i could go on all day about horrors as ive been into em for about 15 years , i have over 2, 000 on vhs , mostly all banned , trying desperately to get all em on dvd , so l8trz m8
and get the story of riki ok .


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