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Best film never to win best film

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd February 2005, 01:42

Radio 5Live are running a best film never to win best film on their breakfast show all week. Choices are on the website all week.
They are offering a three film shortlist every day and a face off at the end of the week.

I`m sure we can start our own arguement though.


All skill is in vain when an angel p*sses in the flintlock of your musket.

RE: Best film never to win best film

kang (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd February 2005, 08:51

I`m sure we can start our own arguement though.

Perhaps start with a discussion on why people never check their spelling?

RE: Best film never to win best film

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd February 2005, 09:09

From a personal point of view, The Exorcist is the film that should have won the best picture award but from a historical perspective, it is unbelievable that Citizen Kane lost out to How Green Was My Valley.

IMDb has a full list of Oscar winners here.


"Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cosy, doesn`t try it on."
Billy Connolly

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RE: Best film never to win best film

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd February 2005, 09:46

Mark Kermode wrote an article about the Oscars in this week`s New Statesman - here is an extract that is pertinent to this subject:Quote:
Finally, there`s no surprise that the very best film of the year, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, has failed to make an appearance among the nominees for Best Picture. This is business as usual. If one thing is certain about the Oscars, it`s that the best movies of the year almost never win the award for best film. Remember, this is the category in which Citizen Kane, The Wizard of Oz, The Exorcist, It`s a Wonderful Life, Raging Bull and ET were all deemed to be losers, while Shakespeare in Love and Driving Miss Daisy were winners. On this evidence, there`s a terrifying possibility that the Best Picture Oscar will this year go to Finding Neverland, on the basis that the more insipid the movie, the greater its chances of success.


"Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cosy, doesn`t try it on."
Billy Connolly

My Top 20 Horror Movies ---- My DVD Collection

RE: Best film never to win best film

kang (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd February 2005, 11:46

One man`s meat ...

I`m personally amazed that the Oscars are taken seriously as a critical barometer. Based on winners over the years, I suspect the following `thought` process takes place in the archetypal Academy voter:

(1) was there a mainstream movie about someone physically handicapped overcoming adversity? - vote for it

if not, then goto:

(2) was there a mainstream movie about someone mentally handicapped/ill overcoming adversity? - vote for it

if not, then goto:

(3) was there someone really old starring in a movie who is likely to be dead in a couple of years and hasn`t won an Oscar yet? - vote for it

if not, then goto:

(4) was there a mainstream movie over three hours long? - vote for it

if not, then goto:

(5) was there a mainstream movie based on a heavyweight book that you never managed to get through but which arty-farty types tell you is really meaningful? - vote for it

if not, then goto:

(6) was there a British small-budget production set in or around Edwardian or Elizabethan times? - vote for it

if not, then goto:

(7) make up your own mind, but on no account vote for anything that:

(i) makes you question anything about the American capitalist system
(ii) has subtitles

RE: Best film never to win best film

jeffree (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd February 2005, 13:26

shawshank redemption - surely the best movie never to win an oscar

RE: Best film never to win best film

iain.j (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd February 2005, 13:29

SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION. Lost out to Forrest Gump. In the year which also had Pulp Fiction.


RE: Best film never to win best film

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd February 2005, 14:30

Fargo and Lost In Translation.

Both lost out to bigger, `epic` pics. Don`t grudge LOT`s loss to Return Of The King, but Fargo lost out to The English Patient - a steaming pile of tripe. In my opinion.

And Goodfellas of course. Take your dancing wolves elsewhere, Cosner.


Trips to the video store for a quiet night in can be fun. But remember;

* Pick something everyone will like.

* Don`t be afraid to ask for assistance

* DO NOT peer through Mr T`s WINDOW on the WAY home, and LAUGH at him watching BRING IT ON alone with his trousers UNDONE!

RE: Best film never to win best film

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd February 2005, 14:47

Perhaps start with a discussion on why people never check their spelling?

Or indeed their punctuation. Now I am most likely wrong as I am s***e with these things. Sould there not be two spaces after a full stop, not one?
I`m personally amazed that the Oscars are taken seriously as a critical barometer. Based on winners over the years, I suspect the following `thought` process takes place in the archetypal Academy voter

I am dislyxic (sp) and my spelling is awfull. I know that and I don`t need people like you to point that out. Am I suposed to type it in word, check it, copy it and then paste it? Sod that. A lot of what I type is spontanious so I don`t have time for that. Very often I can see a word is wrong but no mater how I try I can not make it look right. If this was dictionary corner of a spelling bee site I could understand why people may get wound up, but this is a DVD site. Why does it wind you up so.

All the best,

The 42%er.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: Best film never to win best film

kang (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd February 2005, 14:49

SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION. Lost out to Forrest Gump. In the year which also had Pulp Fiction.

Sorry, but I think this is one occasion where the Oscars got it right.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 22nd February 2005, 16:45

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