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DVDs & Films Forum

The Mummy Returns

Dave Windel (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 21st May 2001, 13:01

I have seen adds on ebay for The Mummy Returns DVD which says it is in English but you have to put up with permanent Malay subtitles. What is this all about - is it a VCD pirate or has a version really been released over there - it seems a bit too soon with the movie only just being released at cinemas. Any info anyone?

RE: The Mummy Returns

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st May 2001, 15:16


RE: The Mummy Returns

postie31 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 21st May 2001, 21:38

ive got that movie (mummy returns)on dvd the copy is brilliant the sound and picture are top and it only cost me £10..
p.sw. on some copys you can turn the subtitles on or off..

RE: The Mummy Returns

UNBREAKABLE (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd May 2001, 00:33

The special effects in the Mummu Returns look crap!

RE: The Mummy Returns

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd May 2001, 09:18

"The special effects in the Mummu Returns look crap!"

Good job they watching the MummY Returns then eh? :P

RE: The Mummy Returns

nelley (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd May 2001, 18:03

Bought the pirate dvd while in malaysia last week.Cost me £8.
Sound and picture quite good and also in dolby digital EX as well.

RE: The Mummy Returns

Kain^ (Competent) posted this on Friday, 25th May 2001, 00:09

Can anyone hook me up with this for about £8 - £10 pounds?

if so mail me @ =


RE: The Mummy Returns

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th May 2001, 01:02

the film is s*** don`t bother

RE: The Mummy Returns

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Friday, 25th May 2001, 09:48

I think it`s unfair to say the film is crap without any justification. People have posted elsewhere on the forums and said WHY they think it`s good or bad. I personally enjoyed the film. It was a special effects bonanza and I was suitabley impressed. In fact I enjoyed looking at the effects that much that the plot (or lack of it) didn`t really matter. My only grumble was the scorpion king at the end, which I won`t mention further as some people might be reading this who`ve not seen it. It`s a no brainer. If you went in thinking it was going to be some social study of the egyptians and their culture, then of course you`re going to be dissapointed. Don`t just say it`s crap. Same goes for any film, at least justify your answers so people can get a fairer perspective of the film.

RE: The Mummy Returns

Dave Windel (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 25th May 2001, 13:14

Can you also give me an address for a copy which doesn`t have the subtitles for £8-10. Thanks.

email -

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