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Those uncomfortable moments when the movie you were watching with the folks suddenly turned blue!!

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 31st August 2004, 13:20

My sister was in a flick (she`s an actress) and I settled down with the family to watch it - My Old Man, Mum and Grandma were present and all was going swimmingly until the


thankfully my sister wasn`t in it - but a 5 minute romp in the hay felt like a lifetime!! every groan and my cheeks went redder. I`m sitting in front of the box watching soft-core with my Folks and Grandma present.

Well when it was over my Granny turns round to my Mum and says "He had a nice body, didn`t he" - we all burst into hysterics!

I was wondering if any of you had similar stories?????

As Ever,

Novelty "The Body" Head

RE: Those uncomfortable moments when the movie you were watching with the folks suddenly turned blue

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 31st August 2004, 14:01

Sitting watching "There`s Something About Mary" with my grandmother (since I thought it was a gentle comedy which she would enjoy)...then the bit with the `hair gel` comes on :D


RE: Those uncomfortable moments when the movie you were watching with the folks suddenly turned blue

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 31st August 2004, 16:33

I was just a young `un and was watching Planes, Trains and Automobiles for the first time with a school chum of mine at his mother`s house. She was a very religious woman and returned from shopping mid-film, made herself a cup of tea and sat down with us just in time for:

Car Rental Agent: Welcome to Marathon, may I help you?
Neal Page: Yes.
Car Rental Agent: How may I help you?
Neal: You can start by wiping that f**king dumbass smile off your rosy f**king cheeks. Then you can give me a f**king automobile. A f**king Datsun, a f**king Toyota, a f**king Mustang, a f**king Buick. Four f**king wheels and a seat!
Car Rental Agent: I really don`t care for the way you`re speaking to me.
Neal: And I REALLY don`t care for the way your company left me in the middle of f**king nowhere with f**king keys to a f**king car that isn`t f**king there. And I really didn`t care to f**king walk down a f**king highway and across a f**king...runway to get back here to have you smile at my f**king face. I want a f**king car right...f**!
Car Rental Agent: May I see your rental agreement?
Neal: (through gritted teeth) I threw it away.
Car Rental Agent: Oh boy.
Neal Page: Oh boy what?
Car Rental Agent: You`re f**ked.

She wasn`t a happy lady. :/

It`s funny in hindsight, but I was so embarrased at the time I didn`t dare show my face again for a few weeks.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 31st August 2004, 17:29

RE: Those uncomfortable moments when the movie you were watching with the folks suddenly turned blue

shedaisy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 31st August 2004, 16:42

Watching Love Actually with the 92 year old grandmother dozing on the settee. I forgot how sexy/raunchy the two stand in actors were when simulating scenes of a certain nature and of course she woke up and saw them and said what is that, what are they doing, thats disgusting etc etc. me and my 13 year old just tried not to laugh and didn`t say a word.

RE: Those uncomfortable moments when the movie you were watching with the folks suddenly turned blue

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 31st August 2004, 16:43

My grandparents on my mums side are quite broadminded so it never really was an issue. But my GP`s on my dads side were very puritanical.

But it was never films with them. Always wildlife on one. You could guarantee if we were watching a nature doc with them the animals would start shagging within the first 30 seconds of screen time.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Those uncomfortable moments when the movie you were watching with the folks suddenly turned blue

Biagio (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 31st August 2004, 17:41

Remember once asking my folks whilst some pretty explicit scenes came on the TV....."Whats a Blue Movie ?"

I never did get a reply :(


RE: Those uncomfortable moments when the movie you were watching with the folks suddenly turned blue

Kezz (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 31st August 2004, 20:03

Lol. It`s worse at the cinema, you`re sitting there with your mum or whatever and an advert for condoms comes on, it`s 100 times worse on the big screen.

RE: Those uncomfortable moments when the movie you were watching with the folks suddenly turned blue

Saqib (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st September 2004, 05:03

awww precious - he goes to the cinema with his mom :) that`s sweet :)

RE: Those uncomfortable moments when the movie you were watching with the folks suddenly turned blue

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st September 2004, 07:43

This is a cracker..

The Christmas before last I got my Wife a copy of "Bridget Jones" R1 DVD

Those of you who have the region 1 will know what`s going to happen.....

Those who don`t.. I`ll explain.

The R1 is "different" but for 1 word....

All her family were sat down really enjoying the film and then from nowhere.,..

"get off me you hamfisted C * * T!"

Apparently you could of cut the air with a chainsaw!

My DVD collection

Gamertag Database

RE: Those uncomfortable moments when the movie you were watching with the folks suddenly turned blue

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st September 2004, 10:01

I`ve got to hand it to my old man though - he would regularly subject us to cheesy 1960`s movies with periodic T&A. I guess it was his way of checking we batted for the right side. Still there`s nothing more embaressing than sitting there with the cheesy porn movie music (most cheap movie soundtracks in the 60`s sounded like porn) watching some girl with a feather boa flail about on a red satin bed - whilst your Old Man is sitting there puffing his pipe.

Still - can`t complain - i`m a well adjusted droid.


As Ever,

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